Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lessons from the dog dish

Thirsty?  Lessons from the dog dish.

     I adore him…most days.  While there did exist a day I would have sold him for free, not any more.  He has wagged his way right into my heart and become the fourth member of our family. His name is Herschel Walker. He stands about 3 feet tall, weighs 104 pounds and is covered in chocolate brown hair. Best of all, I think he really loves me. And I must say the feeling is mutual.
     My dog is a living object lesson of God’s love for me. Herschel is just a dog…I didn’t create him or give birth to him, yet I would do most anything to protect him and make him happy.  We’ve never actually spoken to each other (Aren’t you glad to hear me say that… You were beginning to wonder weren’t you!) yet we communicate constantly.  I’m so familiar with his idiosyncrasies that most of the time I know exactly what he wants or needs.  He has a gentle way of hinting.  For example, if he’s thirsty he very sweetly (Ever watched a dog walk sweetly? Quite the site!) walks over to his dish and sticks his nose in it. He’ll usually throw in a wag or two and glance up at me kind of bashful like, as if to say, “Boy, I sure wish there was some water in my dish.”   
     It doesn’t matter how busy I am, I can’t resist his gentle nudge at the bowl.  He realizes I’m the source who can fill the request and he’s asking for help. Here’s the crazy part. I absolutely delight in supplying his need! I love pouring that cool water in his bowl and seeing his tail wag as he laps the stream before it even hits the bottom of the dish. At that point, if a dog can wear contentment he’s clothed from head to paw.  You can almost see how grateful he is and it pleases me to no end. 
     It never fails.  Each time it happens I’m reminded of a truth that warms my heart no matter how chilly it is outside.  If I delight that much in providing my dog’s need, how much more does my Heavenly Father, who created me and sent His son to be my ransom, love when I call out to Him for my supply!
     Many days I’m tempted to believe that the Father has lost track of me in this great, big, wide world.  Some days I get the sense that my requests are old hat and boring to Him or perhaps he gets weary of my constant dependency. None of which are true!  My affection for my dog reminds me that my Father loves me.  My Father is committed to providing and protecting me.  And best of all… He delights to do so!   And so He does for you my friend. 
     Are you thirsty?  Go ahead. Nudge that water dish and see if your Heavenly Father won’t fill it for you :) …And don’t forget to wag your tail when that stream comes flowing down!

Psalm 18:19 “…he delivered me because he delighted in me”

Hope & Glory! to you my friend ~