Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Wild Ride..

Hi Everyone ~ Special treat today :)  I want you to meet Monica Henry.  She is my guest blogger today ~ You will be encouraged and challenged by her thoughts today.  More about Monica at the end of the post but for now... her she is!

"Don't let the world steal your soul.  Being a Christian is about choosing Jesus and deciding to do something incredibly daring with your life."
- The Irresistible Revolution

I wasnt a very adventurous kid.  My adventures were more often confined to the pages of a Nancy Drew book, than the real world.  I liked to be home, safe with my parents, and three siblings, never straying far from the only house Id known.  I loved predictability and only tried something new when I was absolutely forced to.  Vacation didnt change my thoroughly boring outlook.  When my parents took us to Disneyland each year, my interests never ventured too far from Fantasyland.  I was content to ride the baby rides and hang out on a bench eating a Nestle Crunch ice cream bar with my mom while my older siblings took on the far more exciting big kid rides long after I was tall enough to ride them.  One year, however, that all changed.  Im not sure what prompted it.  It could have been anything. Most likely, my parents were tired of Fantasyland or maybe they thought I needed to break out of my solidly predictable Disney routine.  Whatever it was, I found myself in line for Thunder Mountain Railroad crying hysterically and begging my dad to let me go back to my mom.  My dad was a fantastic dad, usually compassionate and sensitive to his daughters feelings, but that day he was unrelenting. There would be no waiting on the bench today, just the wildest ride in the wilderness. Super. 

The line seemed eternal. My dad tried to reassure me that it would be fun and that he would be with me the whole time.  No worries, right?  Sure, dad.  Absolutely.  I boarded the train and listened to the jovial prospector remind me keep my hands and feet inside at all times. Not a problem, bud.  Sitting down, I tried desperately to figure out how to grip the brown padded lap bar that was suspended several inches above my eight year old lap.  The train lurched forward and my dad squeezed me close.  There was no turning back.

I dont remember the actual ride.  What I do remember is the exhilaration I felt after the ride.  It was amazing. I felt amazing.  I wanted to do it again and again.  All of the fear and worry and hysterics were replaced with a tremendous sense of accomplishment and a desire to do more, to try bigger and scarier rides.  I was officially a big kid.  Space Mountain and the Matterhorn followed and were later outdone when youth group and family trips took me to Six Flags.  I still loved Fantasyland, but I now knew bigger and better things existed and no amount of ice cream would keep me from experiencing them.

Many Christians live their lives in Fantasyland content to ride familiar, safe rides, never fully experiencing the life Jesus died for them to have.  We tell others how wonderful it is to know Jesus, to follow Him, but, in reality, we havent made it very far beyond the castle gate.  We havent really experienced what it is to genuinely follow the risen Christ.  Frankly, were afraid. Im afraid. Trusting Him with my eternity is one thing; trusting Him with my physical life, my family and my money is quite another. What if He asks us to do something scary? What if He demands more than were willing to give? Fear is a powerful deterrent and one that keeps so many of us on the bench unwilling to try something bigger.  Unfortunately (or, perhaps, fortunately), when we agree to believe in Jesus, He requires us to do much bigger things if we are to really follow him.  Love our neighbor.  Forgive and pray for our enemies.  Defend the fatherless.  Provide for the poor.  Hes asking us to live contrary to a culture that so desperately wants to suck us in.  Following Jesus is big and scary. For petes sake, the idea of losing ones life comes up a time or two. Thankfully, He didnt leave us here to do it on our own.  Here you go, kid! Good luck with all that humanity business!  No way.  Graciously, He gave us His spirit to guide us. He gave us His very self as an example of love triumphing fear and making the impossible possible.  He is the Father who lovingly puts his arm around us and squeezes us tight, reassuring us that the ride will be worth it if were willing to take the risk.  Are you? Am I? If you believe that Jesus transcended time and space to become, in all of His deity, one of us; to inhabit our broken, dark world, all because He couldnt stand the thought of being apart from his kids, then we have to abandon our complacency and fear and climb aboard.  Mercy and grace compel us to. 

I didnt accept this concept willingly up until last fall.  Not really, anyway.  Circumstances collided in a way that caused a literal come to Jesus meeting.  It wasnt pretty, but, in the end, I emerged newly confident in who I knew God was, what I could expect from Him, and what He expected from me.  Bottom line is that I was tired of being scared.  Tired of wondering what He could do to me next. Tired of being paralyzed by imagined circumstances and possibilities.  I wanted the abundant life Jesus promised and it was time to get in line. Good news, folks.  He didnt ask me to live in a mud hut in Africa (why is that always the worst thing God can ask of us!?!) or strike me with a deadly illness.  He did, however, give me clarity in areas that were hopelessly murky.  He gave me a new direction and challenged me to look ahead with fresh perspective. Thank you, Jesus.

Friends, there is a generation of believers rising up, who are taking Jesus at His word with a genuine, whole hearted devotion. Issues of social justice, poverty, and the orphan crisis are being addressed and embraced by the Bride of Christ.  Lives are being radically changed by those who not only speak of Jesus, but act like Him too. The world is desperate for a Savior, but we cant show it one sitting on a bench licking the ice cream off our fingers.  Im not sure what its going to look like, but Im ready to be a big kid.  Im ready to feel the rush of the wind, feel my stomach drop as I crest the top of a big hill, ready to feel my Fathers arm secure around my shoulders as we careen around the bend. Im ready to hang on to my hat and glasses, cause this heres the wildest ride in the wilderness. Come with me.

"A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance."  John 10:10

Monica, originally from Arizona, landed in FL with her husband, Aaron, when he accepted the call as Minister of Media @ Westside Baptist Church in Jacksonville. She loves Jesus, her husband, and her three boys. When time permits, or she can adequately distract her children, she also loves a great book and musical theater. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Laughing Stock No More!

Matthew 7:11   
Hey Everyone ~   In one week, it will be my privilege to introduce you to the lady in the story!  Monica will be a guest blogger on the next post.  Because of the incident you're about to read, I discovered she is a gifted writer with wisdom beyond her years. I've included the link to her own blog - message from the MOB ( mother of boys) below so you can find out for yourself :)  I'm looking forward to you guys meeting :) for the story....         
      Just a regular Tuesday morning… Jumped out of my car headed for the double glass doors to enter a new workday.  My arms overflowed with computer bag, purse, present for someone in the office and …my keys.  As I fumbled for the right key I noticed a little red headed boy with his mom and baby brother in the hallway.  Instantly I thought, “Oh good! Maybe Monica will just open the door for me.” I hate trying to juggle all of this junk just to get in the door.
About that time the little redheaded 4 year old pointed his finger straight at me and began laughing at my dilemma; that I’m locked outside the building and he’s safe and sound inside the building.  I threw my shoulders back, dropped my chin and squinched (I think I just made that word up…but you know what I mean, right?) up my forehead all in one seamless motion. Was he really laughing at me? I didn’t realize I looked that pathetic.  I felt that pathetic, just didn’t realize it showed!
     His mother threw her shoulders back and squinched up her forehead, called out his name and graciously came to my rescue to let me in the building.  With raised eyebrows she said, “It looks like you have just been mocked!”  We both chuckled at the incident and I carried on to my office and she to hers.  I didn’t think another thing about it.  I’ve been around boys my whole life.  His mocking seemed a natural boyish thing to do...
     About 30 minutes later I heard little voices in the reception area; probably just Monica and the young ones coming in to say hi and grab a special treat from their favorite secretary, Mrs. Teri.  But I heard the shuffle of little feet heading my way. I peaked my head around the corner and sure enough there stood a red headed little boy and his momma…chokes me up to remember his horrified expression and wide eyes.  The child came and stood a few feet in front of me, staring, never moving his crocodile sized eyes off my face.  The fear in his face made me want to rush to his side, but his mother did instead.  She knelt down close behind him and as she did his body weight fell against her arms.  He never took his eyes off mine, like a baby deer caught in the headlights.  He stood there.  I sat there.  I had only worked in the office for a few weeks and this proved to be only the second time I had ever been face to face with the lad. I didn’t know what to do and he didn’t know what to say.
     Once again his mother came to his rescue.  “Remember what you told me upstairs?  Tell Mrs. Rebecca what you said you want to tell her.”  Eyes glued to my face, he swallowed hard as if trying to pump words out of a deep well. “Go ahead,” his mother encouraged.  “Just tell her what you told me.”  Then clear as a bell the dear boy announced, “I’m sorry for making fun of you.”  My heart melted… now I really didn’t know what to do.  Awestruck at what I had just witnessed I managed to muddle out some kind of, “Oh, that’s ok…”  I wish I’d whipped up something more comforting. Whatever I said brought the incident to a close and the relieved boy and mom left the office.
     You may think the point of this story is about the boy. It is not. It’s about the mom.  Tuesday morning I witnessed a mother who loved her son too much to allow him bad habits of mistreating or making fun of the less fortunate.  How much easier her life would have been to blow the whole thing off!  She could have removed the awkward moments of bringing her son to apologize and watching him agonize in front of me.  But the tenderness I observed as I witnessed Monica enabling her child to do the right thing by standing behind him, even holding him up when he was too afraid to stand on his own… demonstrated a beautiful, heart-warming 3-D picture of our Heavenly Father!  I’ve replayed that scene over and over in my mind this week.  But the characters in the story have changed. Instead, I’m that scared, repentant little red head and my Heavenly Father is the One behind me, gently encouraging and holding me up.

    I thank God for letting me experience that scene this week.  I needed to know that my Father is with me every step, even when I mess up.  And so is He with you, my friend!  Maybe you’ll join me in the question I’ve asked myself repeatedly, “Do you seriously think that Monica loves her son any more than the Father loves you?”  The answer is…No way, Jose!   “If you then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father, which is in Heaven, give good things unto them that ask Him?”  Matt. 7:11    You are loved with an everlasting love! Don’t reject it or dismiss it.  Bask in it.  Humble yourself to accept His grace.  And live free and light today!

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Disappointments Reveal ~ Is that good or is that bad?

Psalm 8:1 
Hi All ~
      I'm learning...ever so slowly and unfortunately in a rather hit and miss fashion...that often God uses my disappointments to reveal Himself. (O.K.... so is that good or bad?  I think it's both - I mean honestly - who likes to be disappointed, but who doesn't want to learn more about God? Anyway...) 
     I love my husband.  I enjoy him and I'm so thankful for him...however...ahem... He hurt my feelings last week. (I originally wrote this a while back, but needed the reminder today!) Sometimes in married life, couples are really in sync, ya know?  Things are just clicking on all cylinders and being married comes easy. But we all know that at other times, circumstances and responsibilities change.  Life gets hectic and spending time together becomes a challenge and hard work. Ronnie & I are currently in one of those stages in life when our different worlds and responsibilities are fighting against each other, so we have to work a little harder to be together in meaningful ways. It happens.  That's life. 
     A few nights ago I mentioned to him, "Hey, hon... we need a hobby to do together!"  He looked at me with tinge of fear in his eyes wondering at what I might have in mind. (I've been known to have a few wild hair ideas, so I totally understood the glaze.)  I admired his bravery to ask the question he spoke with much fear and trepidation, "What exactly did you have in mind?"  Lucky for him I answered, "Oh, I don't know. What would you like?"  I say lucky for him because he really does try to appease me and since I didn't offer any suggestions, he dodged that awkward position of having to participate in a crazy idea, and managed to escape the challenge of finding a way to wiggle out of it.  
     He didn't say anything at first and then during the next TV commercial he announced, "We could work out."  **Heart drop, blah, frown**  That is not what I had in mind. I know I said I didn't have anything in mind, but I know I didn't have that in mind!  Ronnie however, loves to work out and while I do love to exercise and stay fit, I would rather go to a Zumba or dance class...I dropped the subject for the rest of the night, however, my wheels turned on the topic.
     All night I weighed the pros and cons.  Finally I realized that if he is willing to spend some extra time with me, I'll do anything!  He loves to work out and who knows maybe I would actually enjoy it too.  I started to image our workouts together... I could praise him and gloat over his big muscles. And he would push me and cheer me on, "Come on Rebecca... You got this. Three more, two more, come on babe one more!  Yeah! You did it !"  Yes, this might be a good thing!  
     The next day during our morning routine I told him the good news.  I'd love for us to work out together. Ronnie turned to me as he headed out the door and said,  "O.K.  This is what you need to do today..." Then he proceeded to give me a list of exercises I should do while he was GONE.   Yes, that's what I said – gone. There would be no time spent together... no cheering... no pushing... just a list of things to accomplish...alone.  Hurt my feelings!  I imagined us working together, not separate! 
     That morning as I began my new workout assignments, I bemoaned my unfulfilled desire to complete these with Ronnie by my side.  I thought about how I desired to work out not because I wanted to, but because I loved being with Ronnie.  And I wondered... is that one of the reasons God gives us assignments?  He likes to be with us?  I realized that even at that moment as I contemplated the thought; He was there...longing to be recognized, longing to be welcomed, longing to participate in life together. Then the Holy Spirit whispered into my heart.  "Rebecca, I never send you on a task or bring you a new day without being with you.  You are never sent off to handle it by yourself.  I am ever present."  
     My heart warmed.  My Heavenly Father never leaves us nor forsake us, but will be with us to the end!  He never gives me a divine appointment that He won't be with me every step of the way!  I'm so thankful to serve a God like that!  "What is man that He is mindful of him?" (Psalm 8:1)  I can't explain why God desires relationship with us, but He does and I'm so grateful!  I don’t know about you but I needed that reminder today!
(Oh, and by the way… I am happy to report that R& I are back to one of those easy times to be married J)
Hope & Glory To You~ Love

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Just 30 Seconds…

Hebrews 13:16
Hi Gang ~ 
     There are usually signs… In my case the evidence laid bare right in front of my face, day after day.  I don’t know when it started, but eventually the little thing caught my attention.  I just hoped I hadn’t waited too long to step in…poor thing…  There it sat.  Thirsty, sun soaked, requiring just a tiny bit of attention...and water!  
     Yes, perched in my kitchen window sat my ivy.  How could I have missed it!  I walk by it several times a day, often staring at it in my role as Dishwasher Fairy…(My boys still believe the dishes magically move from sink to dishwasher…that’s for another day!) I admire it often.  It cheers me and reminds me how living things bring a wonderful energy and vibrancy to a room…unless of course the caretaker neglects to supply its basic need.  I vaguely remember thinking I detected a couple of yellowing leaves in the last several days.  But life has been so hectic lately...  Finally this morning the pale, wilted foliage squeaked out a raspy, “Help me!”
     I snapped to my senses and stuck my finger in the dirt as if I were taking its pulse.  Yep, just as I suspected (I’m pretty quick with these things).  Dry as a bone.  I grabbed the dying plant and rushed it under the cold running water.  Like tending to its wounds, I ran my fingers through its sprigs removing all the dead and yellowing leaves.  I could almost hear it soaking in a deep breath of relief and as it pushed out a hushed, “Ah, thank you!”
     That’s all it really needed from me.  Just about 30 seconds of my time to give it a drink.  Why did I wait so long to contribute to such a simple fix?  One reason: oblivion to the things around me. Granted, someone put a coin in the ride of my life and at the present, the start button is jammed on the “shake them till their socks fly off” button. But I realized this morning, I’ve been so caught up in my crazy world lately I don’t recognize those around me who may need something as simple as a little water.  Now I mustn’t confuse this with trying to be everyone’s savior.  I can’t meet every need, but I can be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and follow His leading on those He sends into my heart or path.  Maybe they just need a simple smile and kind word.  Maybe I need to express a genuine appreciation for the excellent job they do day in and day out.  Perhaps I could pay for the coffee of the car behind me in the Starbucks line.  Possibly the post on their Facebook page or the text message will be just the drink of water they’ve needed to make it a little bit longer. I could ask my neighbor if they need anything at the store…or if I can do anything to help my husband or child today.  I’ll never forget the stranger – years ago – after a particularly difficult day, motioned me to go first at the four way stop.  His simple kindness restored my hope in people and yes, even life itself…After 20 years, I still remember that moment. Ya just never know!
     After replacing my ivy back to it’s post in my kitchen window I determined to be more aware today.  I prayed, “God, help me to love well.  Help me to pay attention to someone other than myself…Oh and God, could you unjam the “shake them till their socks fly off” button?  J 
 “But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices
God is well-pleased.” Hebrews 13:16

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Last One There Is A Rotten Egg!

II Corinthians 5:21

Hi Everyone ~  
Every muscle in my body tensed from the chilling night air and bitter wind whipping around the edges of the Georgia Dome.  To keep from shivering to oblivion, as soon as we exited the stadium I picked up the pace to a near jog.  I say jog.  I’m not sure how fast I could possibly run in the new shoes I wore. I had forgotten my regular shoes.  Thankfully, my husband Ronnie let me stop at the outlet on the way up to the games to find something w/ a heel. The only footwear I could find looked more like loafers on steroids than any kind of shoe I would typically prefer to wear with my dress jeans. I couldn’t decide what looked worse, the chunky thick and tall shoes or pant legs rolled up to my knees.  I went with the new heel want-to-be’s.
“Last one there’s a rotten egg.”  I threw the challenge over my shoulder to my boys, Ronnie and his son Chandler (Side bar: Please don’t fault me for not referring to Chandler as my stepson… The Cinderella story may have something to do with the sour taste in my mouth for the term “stepmom”. What in the world does that mean anyway?   Just know that I love Chandler very much.  Chan & I don’t get the label “step” so we don’t use it unless absolutely necessary…ok back to the story…), lagging behind me.  I never would have mentioned the contest if a) I thought they’d take me up on it. I figured we were all too tired and cold to play a game.  And b) if I hadn’t been far enough ahead to win should they did decide to participate.
I made it to the first parking lot when I sensed that someone shadowed closer to me than they did a few minutes ago.  I glanced over my shoulder to see Chandler in a full run and gaining ground quickly.  My heart skipped a beat. Ronnie had quickened his step dodging behind the pillar in hopes of me not seeing him sneaking up on my lead. Ah nuts!  I should have known they couldn’t pass up a contest. If I picked up my pace I figured I could still beat them to the car looking like the adult woman I meant to be with new shoes unscathed in my dress jeans, sparkly belt and blazer.
By the time I made it to the narrow steep steps leading to the last leg before the car, Chandler succeeded in gaining enough ground to force me to a decision.  I could continue my gentle rush to the car preserving my grown up dignity and most assuredly be the rotten egg. Or I could cast all public opinion aside; break into a dash to the car and thus making Chandler & Ronnie the rotten egg.  My Anderstrom competitive side kicked in and before I knew what hit me I found myself in a full out sprint toward the Navidawg. (Technically a Navigator, but true Georgia fans have no gator in their cars.)
I had every reason to abandon the win. My lungs burned, my feet were stiff from the new shoes and the crowd exiting the stadium had thickened.  That didn’t stop me from flying up the steps.  Chandler had closed the gap but if I poured it on, I could be the victor!  I held the lead with only a few car lengths to go. Chandler increased the urgency and landed just steps behind me. I gave a final push...When suddenly I realized it wasn’t looking good for the home girl when my head pulled ahead of my knees. I managed to don this lovely stride about 5 more steps before the all out sprawl, just feet from the prize. From the gravel I watched as Chandler’s feet sailed past my mangled body to the car.
This crash and burn incident assembled quite a gathering of concerned LSU fans wondering if the crazy lady with the clodhopper shoes would be ok. Somehow I crawled into the car without throwing up every bit of popcorn I’d inhaled during the game.  Immense pain shot through out my body.  My hands and knees were bloody; my lungs were on fire from the sprint and the freezing wind, and my side…oh, my side!  My sparkly belt wanted to join in the fun by embedding itself into my skin.

The initial pain of receiving those wounds cannot compare with the debilitating sting of trying to clean them.  It required every bit of adult maturity and discipline I could muster to slip into that soapy tub.  After nearly passing out from the shock, I honestly considered trying to make it without the painful process of cleansing the lesions.
God chooses the most unique ways to teach lessons… Although the contest debacle itself proved to be fun addition to the family’s memory bank, the impact of the after shocks deeply impressed me. I have a high pain tolerance, but as I gingerly dipped my hands and knees into the warm bathwater I became acutely aware of something.  My discomfort could not compare to the anguish Jesus endured during the crucifixion.  As the sting of my wounds stole my breath, my heart swelled with thankfulness for my Redeemer who endured horrific torture and humility in my place.  I bowed in shame for the numerous times I’ve taken for granted the cost He paid for me.  Jesus did all of this because He desired to be in relationship with me.  He knew I couldn’t do it alone. “For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”  Romans 5:6 He pushed aside his dignity, pride and His own comfort to rescue me, and “…gave Himself a ransom for all.”  I Timothy 2:6a. 
Christ offers His death as a gift to all who will recognize their sin and call upon Him.  “that if you confess with your mouth the LORD Jesus (Jehovah is salvation) and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”  Romans 10:9 (parenthesis added). I thank God for the day as a young girl I invited Jesus into my heart to be my Savior.
I realize I’ll never fully grasp the ransom He paid on my behalf, but I thank Him for my injuries and the teeny glimpse they provided into the sacrifice He offered.  God’s Son exchanged His glory and perfection for my selfish sin and failure. “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” II Corinthians 5:21 May my life reflect that great and glorious exchange! 
Have you made the great exchange?  My friend, if you have not traded your sin for Jesus’ righteousness, don’t wait another second.  Tell Him you know you’re a sinner.  Tell Him you know He died on that cross and rose again to pay the debt you owe and to take your place.  Tell Him you want to accept His gift and invite Him in your heart and your life.  Tell Him you want Him to be your Heavenly Father.
If you asked Christ into your heart just now, may I be the first to welcome you to the family! I encourage you to tell someone you’ve invited Jesus into your heart and become a part of a community (church) of Christ followers who believe the Bible.  I'd love to hear from you too! 

Hope & Glory!  To You ~ Love
Golgatha ~ The place of the skull ~ Where Jesus took my place...and yours!