Thursday, July 22, 2010

Get it! Get it! Come on, Get it!!! – Philippians 3:14
Good Morning ~
The boys and I have discovered some twisted, but hilarious entertainment. I have a new red laser pointer pen. Do you know where I’m going with this? ☺ I shoot on the floor near Herschel ( our chocolate lab) and dance it around a little to pique his interest. First his little ears perk up and he gets that “what was that” look. And then boom! He’s hooked. He dives, he pounces, he stomps, he uses every ounce of energy he can to catch that dancing dot. Naturally, we egg him on, encouraging him, “Get it, Herschel! Get it!” It’s so funny – the boys make him run into the wall – (Of course I have never done that to the pup!) He holds nothing back and will chase that red dot till his tongue is dragging the floor!
The other morning I just had an urge for a good laugh so I grabbed the pointer. I was thoroughly enjoying myself until I thought, “How sad; the poor pooch will never catch this dot because it’s not even a real object. He is totally spent when he finally gives up, and for what? Nothing.” I felt kind of bad that he will never have the satisfaction of capturing the crazy thing. Never!
Then I saw myself in the scenario. Satan loves to throw those red laser dots around us. We get all worked up about stuff or chase things relentlessly that aren’t even real or at the very least will never satisfy. The Enemy just sits back and laughs at our silly ambition and foolishness. I want to make sure that I’m pressing “…toward the mark of the high calling of God…” (Phil 3:14) and not chasing the silly tricks of the one who desires to steal, kill and destroy! God has a wonderful plan for each of us. Let’s get into His word and spend time with Him so we will recognize those empty red dots!
Hope & Glory To You ~

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Dude Was Right...

Hello All ~

I trust my husband. Really, I do. I cant’ say I’ve always agreed with him, but I do trust him. It’s not a blind trust. It comes from watching him seek God in his day- to- day living. But it also comes from years of witnessing him making the right decisions. I remember times when I just knew he was missing what I was saying! His perception was not as clear as mine, I was sure. My way made perfect sense and undoubtedly was the best action we could take. He would always listen. But he wouldn’t act unless he felt peace to do so, no matter how passionate my plea.

Come to find out…the dude was right, most every time! So that is why I trust him. Once again a big decision is ahead. I want one thing. He…not so much…. But I don’t want to push my way. I remember, he’s usually right.

In reality, he’s not “always” right. He’s human. But here’s the bottom line. It’s not my job to make sure he’s right. It’s my job to share my heart, pray and obey/support whatever decision he makes. He has to answer to God for it, not me. I will answer to God for how well I submitted to him.

Here is what dawned on me this morning, mulling this over. I love Ronnie. I’ll be loyal to him and respect his leadership even if he does make a wrong decision. It’s not because he wants to make mistakes. He’s just human…but I’ve given my heart to him and so I’ll follow.

But there is One who never makes a wrong decision on my behalf. When God tell me no or that my way isn’t going to happen, it’s because He is always right! Always. Why can I trust my earthly husband and not my heavenly One? My best interest is forever His priority. I don’t even have to follow Him purely out of loyalty or duty. I can follow Him with complete confidence. So what’s my problem? Trust and obey. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5&6

Hope & Glory! To You – Love
