Sunday, May 29, 2011

Finish The Drill

John 17:4; Philippians 4:13

Hi All ~

I’m definitely in mid-life. I don’t really feel like it, but after 40 years old, I think that qualifies. For you younger chicks, it’s hard to explain, but it does take you back a little…especially if you’re the dreamer type like me. I love to dream about “what I’ll be someday”. It’s hard to believe half of my life is basically done. So …maybe I’ve already been “it”… maybe my best opportunities are in the past…hmmm.

The other day I was reading my Bible. It was one of those days that even though I know God’s word can speak, I didn’t think anything I read would minister to me at that moment. The passage was very familiar, read it scores of times. It was John 17 – Jesus is in the garden praying to the Father right before He is to be crucified. And He said, “I have finished the work You gave me to do…be glorified in me…

Suddenly it seemed like the rest of the words on the page disappeared and that verse was all I could see. Jesus finished the drill. He completed the task. I thought, "Maybe my best days are behind me and maybe they are still ahead of me." I don’t know. But this I do know; I’m still here because my work in not yet finished. It doesn’t matter how old or young I am. It doesn’t matter how weak or strong, happy or sad, confused or focused I am. There is a work that only I can do. The same is true for you! I told God, “I want to finish the work You gave me to do. I DO want you to be glorified in me.”

I don’t know what you’re facing today…but you have a work. It may appear silly or insignificant. It may feel way out of your league…but it’s yours. And if He gave it to you, then you can do it! This verse is used so much it’s kind of lost it’s umph in our lives, but it’s true whether we accept it or not. “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” Phil 4:13

Will you commit with me today to “finish the drill”? It will be worth it when we, like Jesus, are able to say…”God, I finished the work You gave me!”

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


Monday, May 23, 2011

Flying Trapeze

Jeremiah 17: 7 & 8

Hi Everyone ~

Picture the inside a big striped circus tent. The crowd roars with laughter as the clowns and the elephants exit the stage. Suddenly, the lights go dim and the dramatic music starts indicating the lighthearted mood is about to change. In the spot light a muscular guy presents himself to the crowd and climbs up one side of a soaring apparatus. Then a dainty sparkly girl appears and shimmies up the other side. They grab their bars and begin the routine, swinging into a rhythm. We can hear the swish of their passing like a perfectly timed metronome. As the performer’s swinging becomes faster the audience grows silent. The crowd isn’t stupid. They know what’s about to happen.

Sure enough at the perfect moment the girl ejects herself from the safety of her bar...let this part be in slow motion in your mind...and for a moment she is floating on thin air holding on to nothing. Her arms are out stretched; every muscle in her body taunt, yet relaxed. Her only recourse is the guy on the other bar. She knows if she panics and tries to grab onto him she will risk breaking his wrist. That would not be good in her situation (not to mention I bet he won’t play with her again.) The only thing she can nothing; just trust that her partner will do his part.

I read these verses this morning and thought of the flying trapeze. “Blessed is the man that trusts (dives full out into thin air, not panicking but knowing God is the muscle guy on the other bar) in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters and that spreads out her (I thought that was cool that it used the word “her”) roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7&8

Wow, what a promise... if I’ll only trust! It makes it sound so simple, eh? I want to trust the LORD just like the trapeze artists trusts her partner. I want to be a tree planted by the river of water... that brings forth fruit. I want to be totally abandoned to Him.

Well, Ok then. Here is goes: 1,2,!

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


Sunday, May 15, 2011


Matthew 10:39; II Corinthians 2:14 & 15

Good Morning ~

I love candles. When I’m finally in for the night, the supper dishes done, pajamas on, one of my simple pleasures in life is to go around the house and light the candles. I especially love the ones that smell good. In fact, right now I have a candle burning on my desk with it’s gentle fragrance swirling around me.. It just feels cozy and safe.

One weekend we had been gone for a few days and came home to find the house filled with an incredible aroma. In fact, it smelled just like my favorite pink cake candle. The scent waffled all about my being, engulfing me with its lusciousness…until Ronnie calls out, “Rebecca! Did you leave this candle burning all weekend?” He was standing next to where my favorite pink candle used to be; now, a slushy puddle of soft wax…oopsie daisy.

I thought about this little incident after hearing the definition of the word “savor” in II Corinthians 2: 14 & 15. The definition says it means an influence that cannot be ignored. There was no disregarding or ignoring the overwhelming perfume in my house that day! Yes, my candle burned up, but what a lovely influence it left behind.

Sometimes when we are “lit” for God we experience loss – loss of time to do things we want to do, loss of sleep, loss of income. All of those things add bags under our eyes and burden and stress to our lives! But when you do it for God, as a gift to God, it is a sweet savor to Christ; one that cannot be ignored. “…he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” Matthew10:39.

So strike a match and glow!

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


Please don’t take this little article to believe you shouldn’t take care of yourself or you need to volunteer for everything everyone asks of you! Just use your gifting and open doors as GOD calls you... OK – just had to clarify!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Whoa Momma!

Psalm 57:1 & 2

Hello All ~

I wasn’t bothering anyone. In fact I was in fixed oblivion trucking through the neighborhood on my walk. Just me...not even Herschel... As I walked toward a house across from the pond, I noticed this cute little family of geese; a momma, a papa and a baby just roaming through my neighbor’s yard. Again - fixed oblivion...just thought the little baby goose was cute...I wasn’t even up to the house yet and that momma goose caught my eye. She stretched her neck out and pointed her beak right at me. Then she started hissing at me like a water hose with a leak. I threw up my hands like I was in a stick up and said, “Whoa momma, I ain’t gonna get your baby. Back off sugar!” Just in case she didn’t understand me, I swung way around to the other side of the street so she’d know I meant what I said. (cuz, you know, actions speak louder than words…especially to a goose)
Well, all ended fine. I wasn’t viciously attacked- thank the Lord – can’t you just picture that - but I did think of a cool truth. That mother was just a goose; not a human being with a soul and a conscious and the ability to speak. But I can pretty much assure you if I had tried to get her little one, she wouldn’t have gone done without a fight. Now that silly baby goose never missed a beat. It kept on scurrying the grass for goodies, but the momma...ever watchful, ever protecting.

Do you think for one second that goose is more astute of its offspring than God is of you? You may be as unaware as that little goose, but I guarantee you, God’s hovering eye has never left you for a second. He’s lovingly watching all that is happening to you. He has warded off way more than we’ll ever know. Yes, we all have things in our life we feel like God must not have been watching. I don’t understand those either – but His ways are higher than ours. He provides a shelter for us under His wings until our calamities are overpast – Ps 57:1 & 2. I am so grateful to be His...wouldn’t want to live a day – no, not even a second- without Him!
Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fashion Week

Revelation 19:14

Hi Gang ~
This time of year is usually a fashion-stressful time for me. There are things I have to attend every year at this time and I never know what to wear! Anybody understand what I’m talking about?

This year is no exception. Sometimes I feel very unspiritual spending so much time and energy trying to figure out if I need something new or if I can revitalize an oldie but goodie. And sometimes I suppose it is unspiritual when it becomes out of balance. But yesterday as I was ironing Ronnie’s shirt, a thought hit me. Hey, God does care what we wear! He totally understands planning your wardrobe for a special event. He already has our outfits picked out for Heaven. The Bible says we will be clothed in fine linen, white and clean. (Rev 19:14) I LOVE THAT! He also reminded us not to worry what you will eat or what you WILL WEAR for the LORD knows you have need of these things. (Matt. 6:28-33) He is not telling us it’s not important. He understands we have to wear something and that we desire to represent Him well. He knows…He will supply.

I hope I’m not stretching this, but I think God does acknowledge there are times in life that need special outfits. We’ve already recognized God has already planned a beautiful new garment for us in Glory! And it may be time for you to have some new duds in the here and now. Just remember, you are the King’s daughter. He delights in your femininity and beauty! So honor Him and choose wisely.
Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love