Duh…Uh…You Think?
Psalm 84:11
Hello ~
I feel pretty sure that there have been things in your life that you have wanted and not gotten. Duh…uhh… you think? Probably a lot of those dreams have been requests you felt were really good ideas. But in the end you find yourself disappointed at their absence in your life. You have no way of even rationalizing what God is doing. Can I get a witness!
I can sure testify to that truth in my life. Maybe that’s why Ps 84:11 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. It’s one of those scriptures I have in my quick draw arsenal of offense against the Enemy. Without it, I have no explanation for the empty holes in my life. Satan would be having a field day with me; convincing me that I must not be loved by God, that He doesn’t really care about me, or I must be a terrible person.
The last part of the verse says, “…no good thing will He withhold from them who walk uprightly.” I just LOVE that. It reminds me that as long as I am seeking God ~ then if whatever it is that I want so badly is withheld from me – then it obviously wasn’t good for me. I tell myself all the time ~ either I believe that verse or I don’t.
I do want to believe it and trust that God has my best in mind. “God’s will – exactly what I would choose if I knew all the facts!” I’m so thankful that He does know them all! The last time I checked God was still God and He can handle the job all by Himself!
Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love
Rebecca Lynn with a great big grin!