Hey Gang ~
The other day I was on a stretch of my walk void of houses. It’s just a winding road at the back of my sub division. I love that stretch because it feels like I’m miles away from the hustle and bustle of life... and it’s pretty. On one side is lush grass lined with a dense patch of trees. The other side has that same lush grass with a 30-acre lake usually occupied by a flock of geese.
On the edge of the grass line near the road, I saw a cheery, little yellow flower. I felt it smiling at me as I passed. I knew no one had planted it there, so I began to think through how it got there. I suppose there could be other explanations, but immediately the wind came to my mind as the most logical answer. I was picturing the scene when a thought hit me about our lives.
Many times the winds of change blow through our lives, shaking things up. Sometimes people we don’t want to let go of are carried off to a different spot. Sometimes it’s us, or our circumstances that are rooted up from our norm. In the end, things are a bit rearranged. And if you’re like me, the natural tendency is to resist the change and resent the wind. But as I saw that bright delicate flower, I was thankful for the wind that dropped it there.
So when we start to feel that breeze hit our cheeks and our hair begins to wisp about – remember- it’s going to be OK. God knows right where we are and right where He wants you to be! “The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth forever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.” Psalm 138:8. He’s not going to be forsaking us anytime in the near future! Never fear. His plan is perfect. He may just be using this wind to plant us in places that He wants us to bloom. So let’er blowwww!!!
Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love