Ecclesiastes 11:4-6
Hello All ~
Just curious…any perfectionist out there? A perfectionist is someone who only wants to do something if they think it will be perfect. If it’s not going to be perfect, than they will either procrastinate or not do it. For example, if they can’t get their house cleaned perfectly - they won’t do it at all. (Oh! So that’s why you’re house is a wreck! See, you knew there was a logical reason.) Or if that project cannot be done to it’s fullest potential, they want no part of it.
I must admit; I have these tendencies…OK, Ok…maybe it’s more than tendencies, but I’m making progress. There are a lot of things I could say about perfectionism, most of it bad. But actually, the idea of wanting to do things right is good and from God. “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” The problem comes when I become out of balance and demand that the outcome be to my liking and control. My fear of failure urges me to reject any bit of vulnerability I may sense. And I fail in trusting the results to God to do as He sees fit. Anybody else?
Ecclesiastes 11 says that if we observe the wind we’ll never sow and he that regards the clouds will not reap…meaning if you have to wait for every condition to be right - you’ll never do it. It goes on to say, “In the morning sow your seed and at night go out and reap…for how do you know what God will make good?”
Exactly. So you know what…just go for it! Just do your best with what you’ve got. Not the best you’ve ever had - more energy in the past, more resources - just the energy and resources you have right this moment. Who but God knows what will happen! Whew…once you’ve obeyed…relax.
Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love