Monday, July 25, 2011

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

James 1:15

Howdy ~

A few weeks ago, glancing out my window, I spotted something growing in one of my poolside flowerpots. I hadn’t planted anything there, but I didn’t think much of it. My curiosity piqued. I wondered what it would be so I decided to leave it alone; besides I didn’t really have time to fool with it. A few days later I noticed this “thing” getting bigger. It appeared to be some type of weed or maybe even a tree. The snarly thing looked long and branchy with defined edges. It was an obvious eye sore to the rest of the pretty flowers by the pool. It reminded me of the picture puzzles we saw when we were kids in the doctor’s office magazines that asked, “What’s wrong with this picture”. But it could wait. That pesky thing was the least of my worries.

A week or so passed and I noticed the blasted thing again. As I walked by, I nonchalantly grabbed it to pull it out, but quickly yanked my hand away. My mystery plant didn’t intend to go away quietly. Whatever this vegetation’s name, it included little baby thorns all up and down its stalk. I tried again this time being much more deliberate in where I placed my hand, but to no avail. I needed my gloves to get rid of this thing. Ah… I didn’t want to mess with it now. I’d take care of it later.

Every time I’d look out my window all I could see was this “thing” growing bigger. I’d have this nagging thought “You know you’ve got to get that out of there”. Every time I’d tell myself, “Ah yeah, I know. I don’t want to deal with it now. I’ll do it later.”

Finally I could not ignore the “thing” any longer. By now it grown as tall as the shrubs around it. Finally I grabbed hold of myself and said, “Doggone it Rebecca. Take care of it…right now! Take 5 minutes. Dig out your little garden gloves and pluck the crazy thing out!”

So I did…. or at least I tried. The initial little sprig had developed into a full-blown branch, and its roots had run deep into my pot. I tugged and grunted and tugged some more trying to loosen the plant’s grip on its illegally gained territory. No doubt I was a darling sight! I just kicked myself (interesting imagery, eh!) for not taking the 2 extra seconds that first day to grab my gloves and pull the little fiend out. Now instead of a quick fix, I needed garden tool reinforcements. After several minutes of wrenching and tugging it finally surrendered! Victory at last!

As I flung the thing into the pond, I thought, “What an unnecessary ordeal this had become.” If I had pulled it out when it was small it would have been quick and painless, not to mention all that wasted energy I used warding off the nagging thoughts to take care of it. Instead, I waited till it was so out of control, special measures had to be taken to rid myself of the problem. Wow. What a life lesson.

How many things do I ignore because I don’t want to deal with it now? When will I learn that it’s only going to get more difficult and zap more energy the longer I wait? Who says weeds don’t have a purpose? This weed sure did. I should have dealt with it right away. It would have been easier on both of us! May I never forget my lesson from the weed!

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


Monday, July 11, 2011

If I Had Been Creator...

If I Had Been Creator…

Revelation 4:11b

Good Morning~
The gorgeous day enticed me do it. I decided to bite the bullet, put off my “to do” list and enjoy one of my all-time favorite things. It had been awhile since I’d been, so I packed up my stuff and cruised on down JTB to the beach. It did not disappoint me. The bright hot sun with a nice cool breeze that felt like a fan blowing on you the whole time created the perfect day! Is Florida great or what!
I rarely get in the water, but I do usually venture down to the shoreline to feel the intensity of the ocean’s presence. I don’t know that I ever stand there, tide splashing around my feet, sand rushing out from under me, that I don’t feel a sense of awe at such a magnificent and powerful God. I am reminded of how glad I am to be on His side! (Can I get a witness!)
This particular day I had been standing there simply staring out into the vastness, swishing my feet back and forth, when a wave came in and I witnessed one little shell float in and then burrow down under the sand as the tide dissipated.

And this thought occurred to me: If I hadn’t been standing here, it’s very likely that no one in this whole wide world would ever have seen that shell. Then I looked out into the mass of water and tried to imagine all the creatures and activity in the ocean depths that no man will ever see. Next my mind took flight to the Amazon and then great forests and mountains. I couldn’t help but ask, “God, why have you created so many amazing things that no one will ever see?!”
If I had been creator, the world would probably look a lot like my Christmas tree. You know, splashing all the jazz on the sides of the tree that everyone sees, but the backside? Not so much. That’s where all the homemade or school project ornaments go, a few lights and a holly or two, just to ease your conscious...or worse yet, nothing at all!
But God isn’t me (and we can all say AMEN to that!) He did fashion mind-boggling creatures that only He would see. Why? I don’t know all the reasons but I do believe one explanation is because – He likes it! Yes...God delights. “...for Thou has created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11b
Hey, guess what? You know all those things you do that seems that no one sees?

Times when you feel you did a good job,
but no one will ever know?
Times when your hair turned out just great,
but you’ve got no place to go?
There is One who enjoys, no, delights!
in watching your every move.
No matter what anyone else will say
Guess what? He’s loving your groove!

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love