Monday, August 29, 2011


Revelation 4:11

Happy Day to You~

I have a confession to make. I realized doing a Bible study question this week, that as much as I cringe to admit it, I view the world revolving around me. Yes, that is embarrassing to disclose, but it also explains a few things. That’s why I feel self conscious sometimes…I think everyone and everything is looking at me. That’s why I don’t always worship the way I feel in my heart…I think I’m surrounded by everyone focused on me. That’s why I find myself worrying about what other think. Me me me me me me me…

In case you’re wondering if you have the same problem, here is a good diagnostic question. Who do you look for first in the family photo? Maybe if you stop to think about it you would join me in that confession.

Do you know what Revelation 4 says about God’s throne? The 24 elders surround the throne. The beasts are around the throne crying, “Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain.” A rainbow encircles the throne. It is quite frightening to realize sometime I put myself there instead of God…eek

It has helped this week to picture myself as just one around the throne…not on it. It has freed me up from worrying what others think when I worship God, when I present myself to Him. He is so worthy of every ounce of praise and sacrifice I offer. I don’t want to waste time being anxious about what others think.

So… who or what will your world revolve around today? There is only room for one.

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


Monday, August 22, 2011

What Was My Problem? Simple...

What Was My problem? Simple…

Psalm 119:105

Hello All ~

It was dark:30 a.m. (I don’t know the exact time, but it was early and it was dark!) Ronnie and I both awoke to the sound of Herschel’s tail beating on the side of the bed like a drum. Ronnie sprang up out of bed and I followed! We needed to figure out how our dog escaped the kitchen barricade. Ronnie glided noiselessly through the doorway towards the kitchen. Like Robin partners with Batman, I shadowed close behind him…until my body mass collided with the sheet rock of our bedroom wall, bunging me dead in my tracks. I stopped (obviously) dazed and brainless for a few seconds trying to figure out what just happened. I think God must get a kick out of times like that.

Now generally (I say generally, because I cannot in clear conscious claim that it never happens) I have no problem making it through the doorway without running into the wall. So what was my problem this morning? Simple. It was dark. I had no light. I couldn’t see a thing. (I know Ronnie couldn’t either, but …he’s sort of like Spiderman. One time he slipped into the pool and no lie – he caught himself before he got wet! I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes) If only I’d had just a little light I’m pretty sure I would have managed through the doorway without a hitch.

Believe it or not, this silly incident excites me about knowing and memorizing scripture. The Word of God is just like the light I needed this morning. “Thy Word is a lamp unto me feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

See, this morning I just crashed into the wall. There were no injuries, no after affects. But life is not always like that. We cannot make it through life without the light of God’s word to warn us of harm and keep us from evil. Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee.” Psalm 119:11

All that to say, memorize God’s word. Use it to fight off the Enemy! The word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword… Hebrews 4:12

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


Monday, August 8, 2011

I Spy...

I Spy…

Matthew 5:16

Hey, Got A Question For You ~

Do you agree with this statement: “Everybody is being watched by somebody”? Let me ask it another way: “Who do you notice or watch?”

In the office, do you note how a coworker or employer conducts business? Do you notice if your neighbor faithfully walks the dog or if they always wave hello when they check the mail? What about how others eat, how much salt they use or if they don’t eat the bread? Do you observe if someone is consistently friendly or sour, even if you don’t know them very well? Parents, do you watch how other parents, parent? Married couples, do you notice how other married couples treat each other? Do girls watch boys? And on and on it goes…news flash ~ People watch you, just like you watch them! Even my dog, Herschel, loves to go up on the top porch of our house and spy on all the neighbors in their backyards.

Be encouraged today. What you do matters. It matters to someone. I don’t know who it matters to, and more than likely neither do you, but I can tell you it does. I love this quote: “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring – all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

My prayer for us is that we would be so full of the love and peace of God that we will spill out all over the place! Someone is watching! “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


Monday, August 1, 2011

Frozen or Fresh?

Frozen Or Fresh?

Psalm 19

Hey Everyone

I have a question for you. Would you rather have a frozen TV dinner or a home cooked meal with fresh ingredients? Duh…I know that’s a stupid question. Another stupid question – which one is the healthiest, most nutritious? Of course the fresh meal is going to be. But so many of us choose the quick food solution, right? Right. Why? It’s quick. It requires very little effort on our part. The clean up is a snap…chunk it in the trash when you’re done, dish and all. I just wonder how differently we’d feel if we ate better. (I said I just wondered. I didn’t say I was going to try it!)

I couldn’t help but think about the spiritual food I eat. How much of it is fast food, prepared ahead of time by someone else? How much of it am I preparing on my own? In studying for Sunday’s lesson I very nearly made a huge mistake. I almost skipped my own digging into the passage and jumped right in to what someone else had already prepared. It sure would be quicker. The clean up would be a snap. The only problem…it may be rubbery or stale or frost bitten, but most of all, not very nutritious.

What about you? I love Bible studies – I’ve been highly enriched by them and they most definitely have their place, but sometimes you just need to leave off all the extras and see what God wants to give you…fresh…directly from His Spirit to yours. Take the time – It’s worth it. “…the law of the LORD…sweeter also then honey and the honeycomb.” Psalm 19

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love
