Psalm 51
Hi Ya Gang...
This week has been a "mock speed, hair on fire" kind of week, if you know what I mean. In fact, I've had to use the ole 'baby powder in the hair' trick on the days I haven't had time to wash my stringy locks. My friend even asked me one day, "Rebecca, have you washed your hair yet?" We joked that I'd be like the dusty guy on Charlie Brown and if anyone touched me or patted me on the back, a puff of powder would fly up all around me!
As far back as I can remember, I've always resisted washing my hair. I hate the feeling of getting my head wet. As much as I hate dripping strands, I love clean ones more! So, on days I requiring the powder trick, I always feel off kilter. On the outside I look acceptable, I suppose. In fact, a lot of times my hair does better on the powder days, but I know it's dirty so it's a constant distraction. It's itchy and dull feeling. I'm self conscious that maybe everyone will know my hair is dirty or maybe it smells bad... (Hence the question you may have heard me ask before: Would you rather look good and smell bad or look bad and smell good? Anyway...I digress) Truth is that powder trick will keep me socially acceptable for a short period of time, but eventually if I don't make time to wash my hair bad things begin to happen! ...not to mention how awful I feel on the inside.
I thought of that this morning as I cleaned up to face another day. I thanked God continually for the privilege and relief of being clean and smelling fresh. I remember an interview with a Jewish man released from a concentration camp. He explained that one of the most debilitating, emotionally difficult parts of the whole prison camp experience centered around not being able to get clean... no soap or clean underwear or fresh clothes for months... Can you even imagine?
I don't think anyone would discredit the importance and positive psyche associated with a clean clothes and body. But what about a clean soul? Do you realize how much stress and discomfort comes into your life when you ignore your inside? Unfortunately, I've wielded "baby powder tricks" for my soul and heart and conscious. And you know, for a while it may appear to least on the outside. But eventually if I don't take time to deal with my heart, bad things begin to happen!
Just a gentle reminder today to you and to me... don't neglect your inside cleanliness any more than you would your outside. It's important to God because He has abundant life He wants for you! He can't offer it to us if we refuse to deal with our hearts :) And take it from me, once you take the time to meet with Him, it's worth every bit of pride and self you've had to sacrifice to make your heart right with Him! Psalm 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me."
Hope & Glory! to You~ Love
~ I’d love to connect with you on Twitter @RebeccaFussell