Thursday, May 15, 2014


It’s not even a matter of “it’s too much for me…” It’s a matter of  “it’s not even possible for me.”
It’s like expecting a newborn baby to unload the dishwasher or asking your dog to drive to the grocery store and order a birthday cake for Aunt Sally.  It’s just not possible.  That is the task I’ve been assigned to… Well not exactly.  I’ve only been assigned to participate in the task.  Hence, the “it’s not even possible.” 

     See, at the end of the day – the possible part all belongs to God. I can teach – or attempt to teach- a GED class to adults in hopes of coming along side them to give them a hand. I can commit my Wednesday mornings to loving them and getting to know them… the real them.  I can pray for them and hope they’ll stay for Bible study after class. I can laugh and sing with them. I can arrange for people to bring a dessert and plan a lesson from the little red Book; the Book that holds the Truth that sets us free.  I can worry when I hear of another shooting in their complex, hoping that one of my students won’t be laying in a grave instead of sitting in my class the next week. I can help a burdened mother craft an email to someone she hopes will help her son. I can wear a smile and give a hug and genuinely care.  I can do that.
     But I can’t change their heart or satisfy their deepest longings.  I can’t heal them from the inside.  I can’t break their strongholds or give them abundant life. I can’t give them the peace that passeth all understanding. I can’t supply all their needs.  I can’t… be their Savior. 
I can’t do that, but then again, I’m not supposed to. That’s God’s deal.  So I have to focus on the things I can do and pray like the dickens for God to do what only He can do.
     He can move mountains, yes.  Don’t we all love it when He moves them instantly!  Sometime, however, He chooses to do it one stone at a time…like now. I pray for strength and tenacity.  I pray for a glimpse of heaven’s vision for this place. I pray for supply to meet the demand.  I pray for soft fertile soil and bountiful seed to scatter.  I pray for the miracle of Eureka GardensJ  
     Will join me in praying for the thousands in Jacksonville who cannot read their Bibles well enough to comprehend the truths written to them. Will you pray for every stronghold to be broken? Will you pray for Godly men and women, boys and girls to be raised up in this place and the myriad of others just like it?  Will you pray for the miracle of Eureka?