Psalm 62:8
When a submarine is hit, it begins sinking to the bottom of the ocean…duh, uh really? Even though the sub is not visible, the oil slick on top of the water is a pretty good indication that everything underneath is not doing so well. Once again… duh, uh really? It would be pretty ridiculous for us to think we had fixed the submarine’s problem if we just worked on cleaning up the oil spill…duh, uh you think? But if it’s so obvious in other things, why don’t we see it in ourselves?
The same is often true of us. We have oil slicks in our lives. They are not the real problem, but often just a symptom of the underlying issue. We spend so much energy treating the symptom, we often ignore the root problem. I don’t know about you, but I get sick of addressing the symptoms. I want to tackle the root, but that takes time… time with God. Get alone with God. Be quiet before Him. Turn off the TV or the phone. Ask Him the tough questions. Tell Him your concerns. Listen to His Spirit speak to you. Don’t be afraid of Him. He wants the very best for you. He encourages you to lay it all out there before. “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah” Psalm 62:8
Go ahead. Take the plunge down to recover that submarine. There may be life down there!
Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love