Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Who are "they"?

Hello All ~

I've spent a big chunk of the afternoon composing an article that in the end I decided it was in everyone's best interest not to post :) So I will go with plan B, which in reality, I discovered is God's plan A. So here it is ~ God's plan A for this post:

They "...meant it for evil, but God meant it for good."

Joseph declared that statement to his brothers regarding their loving, brotherly decision to throw him in a pit, sell him to some foreigners, fake his death and lie to their father about his whereabouts. If you don't know the story, Joseph ends up being a super powerful guy, in a super important role and the story ends with basically, "and they lived happily ever after." I love this story mainly due to the blissful way it all turns out and my shameless fetish for happy endings!

But we also know that much of Joe's life consisted of immense heartache, disappointment and betrayal. Yet somehow in the midst of all the disillusionment and setbacks he discovered comfort and strength in the sovereignty of his God.

I just have a simple question for you today... who or what is the "they" in your life? You know, the person or temptation or circumstance that threatens your well being, your emotional health, your relational stability, your financial position, your spiritual status... I don't know about you but I need to be reminded that "they" are not in control. "They" can mean fierce destruction and ruin for me, but what "they" meant for evil, God meant for good. "If God be for you, who can be against you?" Romans 8:31

May you find comfort in that simple truth today :)

Hope & Glory! To You ~Love



  1. Great truth for today. I hope you are doing well and had a Happy Thanksgiving. Blessings!

  2. You too Amy! Let me know when you'd like to do a guest post :)
