Monday, July 20, 2015

Try this...

Hi Everybody ~
I have an experiment for you to try.

(Side note: You might not want to do this out in the open like in class or in the line at the grocery store)

O.K. Here it goes…

Open your mouth. Let your jaw fall down separating your lips so that they aren’t touching. Now without moving your lips...say something, like banana or Mississippi.  It’s O.K. to try it.  You need a good laugh!

Sounds pretty silly, huh?

Did you ever realize how important your lips are to communicating! And we use them to express more than just words. Without lips, there would be no smile or pout.

And there is so much more you can do with them. 

Think of all the ways we use our lips.  Imagine holding up a cuddly baby and not being able to kiss its chubby little cheeks.

How about this; have you ever tried to take a bite of decadent chocolate truffle cake without using your lips to swoop in that last bit of chocolate from the spoon? Can we even swallow without them? I’m trying right now…Haha!! I’m going with a no on that one.

Honestly, I never thought much about thanking God for my lips till I read Psalm 12 a while back. Verse 4 penetrated my heart when I read, “…our lips are our own, who is lord over us?”

The people speaking in verses 4 are bold… and dead wrong. This verse describes cocky people who have no desire to love God or even acknowledge Him as Creator.  They show no regard for the fact that every stinking thing they have comes from Him; yes, even that pair of curvy *red lips on their face.  Yet without God’s amazing and purposeful creation of them, everyday functions we all take for granted would be impossible.

Reading these words it dawned on me… My lips are not my own! I’m simply a steward of these curves on my face. I’m sorry to say; many times I have used them as if they belonged to me. I don’t want to live like that. I don’t want to be in the group that claims their lips are their own. No, I want to live remembering they are on loan to me from God and that the LORD is Lord over me.

So today I’ll be more aware of these two fleshy puffs on my face.  I’ll thank God for them every time I use them.  But most of all, I’ll remember they are not really mine.  I pray God will be honored with my lips.   

Smile pretty today!

*Did you know why lips are red?  They only have three to five layers of skin as opposed to the faces’ sixteen.  The thinner skin allows the blood to appear through the skin of the lips. 

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