Monday, September 20, 2010

The Power of 79,999

Hey Everybody ~

The power of one….plus 79,999 other barking Georgia Bulldog fans! (Yes, I said bark. It’s intimidating, I tell you…intimidating. ) That was me last weekend, cheering my best to root my team to victory. Here’s the crazy part...(No, barking is not the crazy part, silly!) Not one person I cheered for heard specifically what I said. In fact they probably couldn’t even hear me at all! But did that keep me from cheering? Is my name Rebecca? On 3rd down, our defense doing jumping jacks to encourage the crowd to make some noise, I cheered so loud I almost blacked out for lack of air! I couldn’t let those boys down.

Lest you think me wacko, I’m aware of the fact that my cheering doesn’t change the noise factor in Stanford Stadium. If I don’t show up one week, I know the Georgia Nation is not in a state of depression whispering to each other, “Oh no, Rebecca’s not here. It’s just not going to be the same. She makes such a wonderful contribution to our crowd.” Uh…yea, I know that. So, if it doesn’t really matter, why do I insist on bellowing encouragement till my throat is parched and hoarse?

The answer is really quite simple; the privilege of participating, the awesomeness of being a part of something bigger than myself; the magnitude of seeing the power of one… plus one, plus one etc…That’s why I do it.

I needed that visual this weekend. I’ve been struggling with feelings of insignificance in the body of Christ. I desire to be used mightily by God, to make a huge impact in society. But I’ve been running into Reality lately. Recently I heard it knocking at my heart’s door. Reluctantly I peered out the peephole hoping to see, “Clever Claire”, “Blow Your Sox Off” and “Talented Tootsie” begging me to unite with them. Instead, I found, “Average Joe, Plain Jane and Nothing Fancy” smiling politely. They had come to invite me to join them in their efforts to impact the world for Christ. Seems I didn’t exactly qualify for the first group. Honestly I felt pretty bummed. I started to grasp the reality that I will not take the world by storm with my ingenious ideas or spellbound the masses with my communication skill. So…what to do now? Enter the scene at Stanford Stadium.

No one could single me out or praise me for my cheering abilities that day, but I didn’t care. Then it hit me like stage lights illuminating a dark set. It was just a privilege to be there! And so it is in ministry. Suddenly the view shifted from worrying about how many people I was affecting, to just being thankful for every opportunity I am given to share and minister. Wow. What a relief. What a new outlook. What a privilege to participate in ministry, no matter what role I play! What an awesome gift to be a part of something bigger than myself. What a breathtaking experience to witness the magnitude of the power of one… plus one, plus one…

I’m quite challenged by the story in Matthew 25 about the man that hid the one talent given to him. (Notice the guy acknowledged the talent belonged to the master – so the talents I’ve been given belong to the Master, not me) I don’t want to make the same mistake he made. I want to take every chance I’m afforded, just to be a part! Whatever my hand finds to do, I will do it with all my might. Yes, I will do it with all my might…ahhh…Go God!

Hope & Glory! To You ~ Love


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