Monday, August 1, 2011

Frozen or Fresh?

Frozen Or Fresh?

Psalm 19

Hey Everyone

I have a question for you. Would you rather have a frozen TV dinner or a home cooked meal with fresh ingredients? Duh…I know that’s a stupid question. Another stupid question – which one is the healthiest, most nutritious? Of course the fresh meal is going to be. But so many of us choose the quick food solution, right? Right. Why? It’s quick. It requires very little effort on our part. The clean up is a snap…chunk it in the trash when you’re done, dish and all. I just wonder how differently we’d feel if we ate better. (I said I just wondered. I didn’t say I was going to try it!)

I couldn’t help but think about the spiritual food I eat. How much of it is fast food, prepared ahead of time by someone else? How much of it am I preparing on my own? In studying for Sunday’s lesson I very nearly made a huge mistake. I almost skipped my own digging into the passage and jumped right in to what someone else had already prepared. It sure would be quicker. The clean up would be a snap. The only problem…it may be rubbery or stale or frost bitten, but most of all, not very nutritious.

What about you? I love Bible studies – I’ve been highly enriched by them and they most definitely have their place, but sometimes you just need to leave off all the extras and see what God wants to give you…fresh…directly from His Spirit to yours. Take the time – It’s worth it. “…the law of the LORD…sweeter also then honey and the honeycomb.” Psalm 19

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


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