Monday, August 29, 2011


Revelation 4:11

Happy Day to You~

I have a confession to make. I realized doing a Bible study question this week, that as much as I cringe to admit it, I view the world revolving around me. Yes, that is embarrassing to disclose, but it also explains a few things. That’s why I feel self conscious sometimes…I think everyone and everything is looking at me. That’s why I don’t always worship the way I feel in my heart…I think I’m surrounded by everyone focused on me. That’s why I find myself worrying about what other think. Me me me me me me me…

In case you’re wondering if you have the same problem, here is a good diagnostic question. Who do you look for first in the family photo? Maybe if you stop to think about it you would join me in that confession.

Do you know what Revelation 4 says about God’s throne? The 24 elders surround the throne. The beasts are around the throne crying, “Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain.” A rainbow encircles the throne. It is quite frightening to realize sometime I put myself there instead of God…eek

It has helped this week to picture myself as just one around the throne…not on it. It has freed me up from worrying what others think when I worship God, when I present myself to Him. He is so worthy of every ounce of praise and sacrifice I offer. I don’t want to waste time being anxious about what others think.

So… who or what will your world revolve around today? There is only room for one.

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love



  1. Great thoughts this morning. I think we all put "me" before Jesus often. I appreciate your openness, and I also appreciate the "toe-stomping" session. :) I needed that today. Blessings to you.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Amy :) Are you still blogging? I tried to figure out how to join your site but couldn't figure it out...any tips for me? Hope you are well :)

  3. Actually, I am planning on posting at least every week now. I had to take quite a long break due to health issues and the busyness of home and church life. For the last week I have been working on updating my blog. I will try to figure out the problem, and hopefully get it fixed today. Thank you for your visit to Byway. It is great reconnecting our friendship again. God bless you today.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey Amy ~ I figured it out :) I don't know what was so hard about it the last time - when i checked back I just followed the directions :) But honestly it didn't let me do it the first time I tried...but that was several weeks ago so maybe they changed it. i really like you blog because you can sign up for automatic email. I wish blogspot did that - thinking about changing to word press - do you like wordpress? Glad to reconnect with you too :) I'm going to add your blog onto may take me a while since I'm not so quick with all that, but that is my goal :) Have a great weekend!

  6. Rebecca, Glad it worked out. I have been making a lot of changes to my blog so very likely it was me. :) Wish I was more computer savy, but I do my best. They have been doing a lot up updates on wordpress making it better and more easy to use. I do like the email sign up too. I have at least 3 friends that have switched from blogger to wordpress and they seem to like it. I have been with wordpress from the beginning of my blog, and I really like all the changes they have made in the last few months. I had to relearn how to do certain things, but was able to figure it out.Thanks for adding me to your blog.( You are added in my blogroll too) Hope you have a great evening and a good day tomorrow. (I just took a short break from Football. :) Hubby fell asleep in the recliner.)
