Monday, September 12, 2011

It’s So…Daily

II Corinthians 12:9

Hello All ~
Life is so...daily, isn’t it? I mean, just about the time you get all the laundry done, it’s time to mop the floor. When the floor is done the bushes need trimming. After the bushes are done, you discover there’s no food in the house so it’s a trip to the grocery store. (Why do I hate the grocery store so much? Anybody else?) You get the groceries put away just in time to iron that shirt. Then before you know it, the laundry basket is full again! And that’s just an example of homecare duties; it says nothing to all the other “hats” we wear.
Those burdens all sounds so trivial compared to the recent conversation I had with one of my dearest friends in world. She’s facing surgery, intense radiation and six weeks of chemotherapy. She will undoubtedly loose all her hair...again. Yes, she’s been through this before. But my friend has decided to depend on God. She’s been focused on a principle Corrie Ten Boom learned when she was a little girl.

As Corrie prepared to take a train ride with her father, she worried daily about not having her ticket in her possession. She nearly pestered her father to death. Finally, her dad had had enough. He sat her down and explained, “Corrie, stop fretting. I’ve got it covered. When you get ready to board the train, I will give you your ticket. I promise. You don’t need it till then.”

Sometimes, like Corrie, we get twanged out because we don’t have enough strength or resources for the future obstacles in our lives. (guilty)We can’t possibly see how we can make it through the week or the months ahead. But my friend reminded me that just as Corrie’s father would give her the train ticket at the essential moment, God would deliver the ticket of grace to her exactly when she needs it...and not one minute before.

So whether you’re conquering a full laundry basket, dealing with a difficult relationship, or loosing your hair, His ticket of grace is so... daily. Wait for it. He will not fail. He promised, “My grace is sufficient for you… II Corinthians 12:9
Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


  1. Great word today! I'm going to steal (with your name on it)!

  2. Love the verse about grace! Great post, and so timely for what I have been going through the last couple of days. May God continue to bless your writing, and you.

  3. Hi Amy ~ sorry you're struggling. I sense the body of Christ really being tested right now. I guess God is purifying His bride...maybe for His soon return :) I pray God will bless you too, my friend
