Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hello Everyone ~

I have plenty of days I feel like a lousy wife and housekeeper, but every now and then I get the sense that I've done it right that day. Those days usually consist of clean clothes in my husband’s drawer and a luscious aroma from my kitchen, greeting all who enter through the door. I don't know if smells mean that much to other people, but I love things to smell good! A pleasant fragrance gives me the illusion that all is right with the world.

The other day I took my mom and my aunt to a well-known restaurant to celebrate my mom's birthday. The restaurant's rave revues amped up my expectation of the occasion. I couldn't wait to try it!

We pulled into the back lot and the three of us split up to begin our search for the entrance. I wondered down a side corridor to a large wooden door. Through the glass pane I my eye caught sight a stately old fountain surrounded by a charming terrace. I could see the water gently cascading over the sides splashing into the basin below. The late morning sun soaked the space with a happy glow casting gentle shadows from the large tropical plants scattered about. Oh, how lovely. I walked back toward the my dinner partners and yelled, "Hey, I think I found it!" Yeah, we were almost in!

My mom and aunt quickly made their way to my secret side entrance and I pulled open the brown wooden door. Then it hit me...Phhheweyyyy... this place stinks! I'm not sure what instigated the smell. I suppose it could have been the old building or sulfur water or actually who knows what. But all of my information had failed to mention the foul odor that would take your breath away the minute you stepped inside.

Despite my first impression, I must say we did thoroughly enjoy our time there. The food and the service matched its reputation and I would definitely go back, but next time I'll take a deep breath before I enter. (I did notice the smell was worse in that side corridor. When we left I saw an employee spraying room freshener along that hall!)

That experience made such an impression on me it caused me to ask myself, "What smells do I emit when people enter into my life?"On a side note, I have a perplexing question I like to ask people. “If you were meeting the President would you rather look good and smell bad or smell good and look bad.” It’s so interesting to hear people’s answers and reasons! (I'd love to hear your choice too!)

The other day Ronnie was helping me find something on the Internet so I had leaned in close to him. After a few seconds, he pulled away from me and started sniffing...(I hate it when he starts sniffing!) Then he wrinkled his nose and asked with a tinge of disgust, "Have you eaten some garlic today?" Truth is I could have, but I honestly didn't know. Apparently I had eaten something pungent!

Here is what I realized. Whatever we put in our lives will eventually come through some way. II Corinthians 2:14 - 16 talks about us being a sweet savor unto God... but am I? I guess it depends on what I allow into my life. Maybe I have garlic in my soul. What do I feed on? (not just physically but spiritually, emotionally, socially speaking...) What do I dwell on? What am I living for? Who or what do I truly love? Am I full of pride and self? Am I not dealing with things I need to deal with? If any of those answers are contrary to what the Bible says than chances are I could be like the restaurant; nothing out of the norm from outside the door, but open it up and pheweyyy...I stink!

I don't want to stink when someone gets up close or opens the door to my home or my life. I want to be a sweet smelling savor unto the Lord... I plan on taking some time this weekend to ask Him. I wonder what He will say... Whatever it is, at least I know it doesn't have to stay stinking! I can make it right and be that sweet savor He desires and deserves.

Hope & Glory! To You ~ Love


P.S. I love hearing from you! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. We need each other :) You are like iron that sharpens iron to me and I appreciate you taking the time to write!

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