Sunday, February 27, 2011

One Half!


Psalm 138:8

Hi Everyone ~

Ok – I’m about to put into print, proof of what others may have been thinking…I’m a goof ball. When I was a little girl I hated to throw things away because – ok here comes the goof ball part – I didn’t want it (whatever was being thrown away) to feel bad. Yah, you read it right. I felt bad for wrappers and extra plastic in the toys because I didn’t want them to think they weren’t important now that their job was done. So I would agonize over trying to think of ways to play with the straggly pieces of plastic wasting precious childhood playtime! Now that you know that lovely bit of trivia about me, you may understand my fascination with what I’m about to tell you. I just learned this recently. I have not been able to stop thinking about it.

Did you know that after a diamond is mined, half of it is lost in the cutting process? Half of it – that’s a lot! So many times we (I) think of loss as such a devastating thing…but is it? Yes, actually at the time…yes it is – or at least it feels like it. I’ve got to quit answering my own questions… anyway…Half of the diamond is lost to bring it to its most valuable state. So the next question: What is being cut from my life (or yours) that feels so hard to release?

May you be encouraged today that God sees the big picture. He has a vision for your life and He’s busy removing all the things that hide your ability to truly shine and be at your most valuable state.

So go with His plan. Don’t be afraid – “The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me; they mercy, O LORD, endureth forever: forsake not the works of your own hands.” Ps 138:8

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why Is Herod Still Chasing Me?

I'm honored to have my friend Wayne Tipton be a guest blogger today! He is married to my dear friend Angie and father to David, Christopher, Andrew & last but certainly not least, Mary Rachel. Wayne is an excellent Bible teacher and a Disney expert extraordinaire. He had no idea how timely this message is for all of us... read it today and be encouraged!

Why is Herod still chasing me?
Often it is hard to see that God is working in our lives. When we endure serious challenges for a long time, we feel He has forgotten us, doesn’t care about us, or that we have seriously let Him down – so much so that he no longer will deliver us when we call on Him.
We follow His command to cast our cares upon Him, we pray and make our problems known to him, and we ask for our situation to change because he did say “we have not because we didn’t ask”.
Yet here we are – still facing the same problem – and there is no end in sight.
Hard to believe.
Doesn’t He realize it is ME?
I have named it, claimed it, commanded it to move, decreed, believed, took authority over it…
What is going on? What sin have I committed that is keeping my answer from me? Is my faith too small?
Perhaps – or maybe you are right where He needs you.
I can’t think of any people closer to God than Joseph and Mary and Jesus – yet in the midst of that wonderful story – there is Herod – and he sincerely tries to destroy all of them. It seems to me that God could have protected them by taking out Herod and his whole family – one strategically placed meteor and no more problem. But God didn’t do it that way. Why not? God’s only son is forced to high tail it to Egypt to save himself. Why? Why does God allow these inconvenient seasons to go on and on and on. Even worse, when Herod finally dies – when that problem is finally removed – another Herod comes along right behind him.
It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. But God OFTEN works this way. Peter was enjoying a good time with Jesus one evening, when Jesus let him in on some serious things going on in the spiritual realm. He told Peter that Satan asked for an audience with God and asked to “sift him like wheat”. Now as one of Jesus’ chosen twelve, the one that was first to recognize that he was The Christ, the Son of the Living God, we can expect Peter to receive special treatment. Surely Jesus told Satan, “No Way” – and dispatched Satan swiftly.
Amazingly, Jesus said “I’m going to be praying for you Peter”. He’s got my permission. It’s going to be tough – real tough. But WHEN you come through it – I will use you in a greater way than before. There was no doubt that he was going to come through it. There was no doubt that Mary and Joseph and Jesus would come back from Egypt.
There is no doubt that even when you go through the valley of the shadow of death – you WILL COME THROUGH it! And God will be with you every step of the way.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Drama, Distress, Disappointment, Delight!

Happy Valentine’s Day?

Galatians 6:10

Happy Day to You ~

One of my favorite holidays is Valentine’s Day. It didn’t used to be. In elementary school I used to labor over and analyze every Valentine I prepared for our homemade mailboxes! I felt so much pressure. I always worried that the boys would think I liked them. That was a horrible thought, but I didn’t want to leave them out. Or I worried that I should have given friend “A” the valentine I gave to friend “B”, because if friend “A” reads friend “B’s” what will friend “C” think! Oh, the drama.

Then in high school it was even more awkward. All day during school classmates would be receiving singing telegrams and special deliveries. I’d wait with bated breath for a Valentine something from someone! I was usually disappointed that I didn’t get a valentine from the person I really wanted one from; or if I did, it didn’t really say what I was hoping it would say! Oh, the distress.

As I became a young woman in love the anticipation of the great holiday was much more exciting than the actual day. I guess subconsciously I was hoping for a Cinderella experience of being wooed and romanced by my prince charming. Somehow even when I did have someone I really cared about, the day managed to be somewhat of a let down. Oh, the disappointment.

Then came the Valentine’s Day after divorce - yeah, well….

Strangely enough, that’s when my perspective of the day revolutionized, thanks to some really godly, amazing friends. They loved Valentine’s Day! I thought that was odd since many of them were single and had no sweetheart. But this was their favorite holiday…I didn’t get it.

I soon discovered their reason. They loved the day because of the many wonderful people God had placed in their lives. Valentine’s Day was the perfect opportunity to let these people know how much they loved them. Suddenly it dawned on me. All these years my feelings and my hopes had been the center of the day. What is going to happen for me today? Who is going to do something special for me? Me…Me…Me… Do you see a pattern here? I finally learned that Valentine’s Day isn’t about me. When I take the focus off of me and turn into a day to celebrate those God has placed AROUND me…Wow. What a difference it made in my life. Oh the delectable delight of doting on the darlings God’s deposited into my days!

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


Tuesday, February 8, 2011



Galatians 5:15

Hey Ladies ~

I heard something recently I did not know. I read that when a dog bites once and realizes how rapidly it causes people to back down, they quickly form a habit of biting. It gives the dog a sense of control and power. Hmmmm... interesting. It made perfect sense to me, every one likes the feeling of control and power, apparently even our four footed friends!

Knowing that new little piece of trivia, I couldn’t help but ask myself a few questions. First of all, what mechanism do I use to cause people to retreat when I am in conflict? Losing my temper, the silent treatment, hurtful words- either subtle or bold? If I rant and rave, people submit. Or if I refuse to acknowledge their presence, they quickly come around to do what I want. Why do I do it? ~ Because it works! Unfortunately in this case, success breads success and a habit is very quickly formed. The only problem is – that’s my way of getting my needs met apart from God. Not to mention it makes for unhealthy and even co-dependent relationships. Galatians 5:15 says, “But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.”

Secondly, can I be wise enough to recognize when some one else is using their words and actions to bully me or cause me to retreat? Have you ever been intimidated or felt inferior by someone’s coping mechanisms? God does not intend for you to be manipulated by others. Most control tactics are not based on complete truth and most certainly not based in love. That is not of God. So watch out for those aarrrrgggg (snarling dog sound -not a pirate! ) moments. May God give us wisdom to recognize them and the courage to address them.

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


Remember we are “In HIS grip”

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

They Love Me...They Love Me Not...They Love

Happy Birthday? Who says?

Isaiah 49:16

Whether it's your birthday this month or not - we'll all have one this year...hopefully

Shalom ~ What exactly constitutes a Happy Birthday? Is it lots of extravagant gifts or maybe just a gift would be nice, eh? Is it many people around you, lavishing you with wonderful compliments and well wishes; expressing how much the world has gained since you have become part of its inhabitants? Maybe it’s a day all to yourself. Or it’s the not so surprise, surprise party you were just sure your friends would throw in your honor. Perhaps you don’t care what anyone else says or does as long as your one true love acts halfway interested, paying a little extra attention to you on, this, your birthday.

What ever your definition is, it is highly possible that you will have a few go-a-rounds, maybe several, that don’t quite measure up to your meaning. Then what? Does that ruin the day, hence making it an “un-happy” birthday?

Over the years I’ve witnessed how a day that is supposed to be celebratory can become one of the most difficult days of the year for people. Sometimes it’s because the one you have committed your life to, namely husband or children, act like birthdays are no big deal (unless it’s theirs of course). After all, you have been privileged to have them in your life! What more could a woman want, right? Yeah… well. Perhaps worse yet, they forget. Ouch. That’s tough on the ole psyche. Then there is always the possibility that your birthday reminds you of all the dreams you’ve had, all the hands you thought you’d be holding that probably aren’t going be reality.

So what does one do on that “special day” when nothing about the day seems special? I think it’s natural to grieve when your heart is disappointed. It’s ok and it’s normal. God says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” But once you have expressed your disappointment to God, maybe take time to reflect about all of God’s working in your life over the last year. There is something about being grateful that puts circumstances in a whole new light. Perhaps try to imagine what God would say to you if He were sitting next to you. He would say how He crafted you just like He meant to. While others may blow this day off, He certainly does not! In fact, He has you inscribed on the palm of His hand. He would remind you that your birth was a wonderful, deliberate and creative act on His part. He loves remembering you in your mother’s womb! He would remind you that He knows the plans He has for you and that He still rejoices over you with singing.

Reflecting on these thoughts can make every birthday good… Besides regardless of what may or may not happen on this day, I think if we were all honest about it, any birthday is better than the alternative!

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love
