Monday, March 30, 2015

The power of one anothering each other...

Hi All ~
     So I’m in a new season in my life… complete with a new type of Bible study/accountability small group as opposed to a larger class setting. It’s not a “sanctioned” group  (makes me chuckle cuz I’m so rebellious like that J) but it’s just what the doctor ordered and I love it. 
     The safer we feel in the group the more layers of phony peel away. It’s a bit scary and a lot wonderful.  Is it any surprise that God says over and over again “ to (fill in the blank) one another” ~ love, encourage, confess to, submit to, fellowship with, restore, bear… The awesome comes in watching God’s word being lived out in this sweet group as we “one another” each other.

     Some of us have carried burdens, questions, misunderstands of God and ourselves for months, even decades; things we’ve been too embarrassed or hurt to admit. We couldn’t decipher the origin of the gnawing and twisting in our soul. So we did the only thing we knew to do. We stuffed it or chalked it up to a presumption of God’s character. And when the conclusion came back really bad we figured that something must be terribly wrong with us.
     At the end of the day, most conclude that yes, absolutely, God loves you…just not sure He’s all that crazy about me… So there.  It’s been said...out loud to others and not just rolling around in the pit of one’s stomach. 

And that’s when the beauty begins to unfold.

     Don’t misunderstand. The beauty doesn’t come from the fact that we don’t believe God delights in us.  No, that’s quite sad. The beauty comes out of brokenness and vulnerability, the fact that we admitted it out loud. We don’t have it all figured out and we need comfort or help or wisdom.  The child of the King has stopped hiding her wound and dared to expose it to the One who wants so desperately to heal it.
     It’s tough for sure, because we hate disclosing things we think we’re not supposed to feel, yet doggone we do feel them.  Admitting it is the first step to reversal.  The Bible says, “Confess your faults one to another that you may be healed”.   James 5:16
     Sometimes the truth spills out through tears of release. That thing that’s been bubbling deep inside finally receives permission to escape knowing these gracious, wise women will handle it with care and gentleness.
    Sometimes it’s voiced through a defeated resignation. It’s just a scabbed-over, painful matter of fact. On the surface it doesn’t even hurt anymore.  We used to wonder why life works out for others but not us. That hurts too much and we’re tired of hurting over it.  Crying hasn’t changed it, so we’ve just resigned to the gaping hole. Deep down we also know that right below the scab’s surface is an eruption of ugly. We decide to guard that precious layer like Fort Knox for fear of its messy contents.  
     But something about this safe group makes one wonder if barring grief’s door is really the abundant life God meant for us.
     Interestingly enough, resignation is the last stage of grief before the victory stage.  So many of us get trapped in that step.  We drudge through life ending the grieving stage just one-step short of the freedom part.
     The truth is we all get splattered and trampled by life.  If we translate those circumstances in our own wisdom, apart from God’s truth, we end up stuck at arms length from God.  But that is not the heart of our Father. I love how one author put it, “close enough to smell His skin”.  Ah, yes!  That’s what I want.   
     I would’ve been stuck too had it not been for the “one another” people who journeyed along side me and helped me decipher life’s obstacles.   
     Do you have safe people in your life to whom you can confess your faults, your questions, your musings and ideas? Satan’s plan is to isolate, to make you think you’re the only one and your crazy! God’s design is for His body to join together and be like iron that sharpens iron.  I’m so overwhelmingly thankful for the godly, lovingly authentic “irons” in my life.  They sharpen and challenge, encourage and love.
     I’m praying for you, my friend... for all of us to experience God’s plan for “one another”.  It heals.  It strengthens.  It sets us on the path to be our best for Him and His glorious purpose.
  May we all “one another” each other!
Live free and light today! ~ Love

Monday, March 23, 2015

Could you be Christian of the Year?

Hi All ~

Imagine the scene.  It’s the Last Supper. Peter and John have readied the Upper Room.  One by one the disciples trickle in and a crazed buzz fills the air. Everyone is wondering who it could be; each secretly hoping it might be him. No one will come out and say it, but the topic nonchalantly worms its way into the conversation.  The elephant in the room is romping and stomping over everyone’s heart.
Originally, most suspected James or John. With names like the Sons of Thunder, who could top reputations like that? Well, at least until their mother came on the scene and tried to strike a deal with Jesus insuring her boys would have a prominent place in His kingdom. Yeah, not a good move. Cross them off the list.
So now everyone speculates Peter is a shoe- in. He walked on water for Pete’s sake (pardon the pun). And the cheery on top: he was the first disciple to announce Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God. 
Actually, Andrew had been thinking it several days before Peter announced it.  In fact, he’s the one who first introduced Peter to the idea.  But bigmouth Peter piped up with the answer before Andrew could even process the question. 
If you want to be picky about it, John the Baptist actually acknowledged Him as the Lamb of God before anyone else did. But he is totally out of the question. For one thing John’s not even a disciple, plus the whole beheading thing and all.
Yes, Andrew is convinced it will be his big brother Peter.  Regardless of who it is,Andrew has surrendered to the conclusion it will never be him. He’ll never be as boisterous as Peter. He does the quiet things that others rarely even know about much less acknowledge him for. Sure it hurts a little, but he’ll get over it. He knows in his heart of hearts that his commitment to the Master is just as deep as Peter’s is loud. And after all, that’s what really matters, right?
Sometimes he wonders…
The crowd hushes at the shuffle of sandals heard outside the room.  They freeze as the door opens and in walks the One they’ve eagerly anticipated.  In seconds, Jesus warms the space with His kind smile and a hug to those within arms reach. 

Without a word of instruction, the disciples gather at the table and wait with bated breath at what Jesus will say next.  They notice the parchment he holds in his right hand. Those nearest Him secretly steal a glance hoping to see whose name is penned in the blank.
After a few obligatory “This has been a great year…” blah blah blah remarks, he finally announces what they’ve all been waiting for.

“And the Disciple of Year goes to…”

In your wildest dreams can you even fathom Jesus giving out a Disciple of the Year award! It’s totally foreign to anything God would do and deep in our hearts we know it. And yet, believers and religious organizations flock to the idea. They say it inspires others to seek greatness and it rewards those who’ve worked hard…
Unfortunately, that’s just not true. Take it from someone who lived it. I’ve spent years deprogramming from that dangerous culture.
Instead, it teaches the Body of Christ to do the exact opposite of 
II Corinthians 10:12 where Paul warns us not to compare yourselves among yourselves. It creates levels of acceptance and spirituality, not to mention the pride. That’s the Pharisees job! Pharisees use the comparison method to manipulate people by preying on there desire to be loved and accepted.  They throw in the whole “if you’re really spiritual you will…” pooh hockey to spawn manmade levels of acceptance and love.
What about the kid who does love God with all his heart, but just never seems to get noticed. This method teaches that he just doesn’t quite measure up. And how about when a previous winner doesn’t win it again, yet they’ve lived the same?  That person lives confused because the leaders he loves and admires don’t think as highly of him as they did the year before, so maybe God doesn’t either.  That’s torture to someone striving to do right.
The only thing disciple of the year or class of the week does is to create a system of belief declaring who and what is acceptable to God. Sadly, it’s used it to decide which pastors are successful and which people are the most spiritual in the flock.  The truth is many who have fallen into that trap have become the most condemning, judgmental and proud people within miles.  We get all mixed up thinking we can measure someone’s growth or devotion to Christ based on the results we can see or the tasks they perform when someone is watching.  They unwittingly have bound themselves with the chains of rules and expectations that most of the time don’t matter a hill of beans to God.
The Enemy has them right where he wants them, squandering all their time, energy and valuable creativity staying safe and measured.  They become unable to risk the Spirit’s leading for the overwhelming fear of failing their own system of spirituality. The Enemy loves it.  He doesn’t want you actually seeking God and obeying His nudges.  He wants you occupied with how others view you.  He wants your efforts calculated to match the list expected of you. 
As much as a safe list appeals to us, it’s not of God. He’s not into comparing you to others and He’s not participating in the Christian of the Year award.  He’s into you, into you knowing Him and obeying His lead, no matter what it looks like to others. 
Exhausted trying to get to the top of the most spiritual list? Here’s some good news for you today. You can rest my friend! Regardless of what others say, God doesn’t have a Disciple of the Year Award.

Live free and light today! 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Head in the sand?

Howdy Gang~

Question. What do Moses, Joseph, David, Solomon, Esther, Mordecai, Daniel and Nehemiah all have in common? Well, besides the fact that they are all Bible characters and have long since left this mortal coil.  I’ll give you a minute to reflect on their stories and see if you catch the common thread…O.K. times up ~ smiley face…

Every one of these beloved Bible characters played an instrumental role in the governmental process of their day.  Their Godly leadership and influence affected millions of people and impacted the course of history.

These characters inspire and encourage me.  No need to question if God cares about government, and no need to be afraid to participate when political opportunities arise in the life of my family.

It saddens me when I hear believers of Christ say a Christian has no business in politics.  I strongly disagree.  His Word is proof that believers do have a role in government.  We are foolish to bury our heads in the sand and act as if it doesn’t affect us or it’s not a valid spiritual interest.  Government affects much of our lives; how our children are educated, our health care, our safety, how we spend money, how we are allowed to express our beliefs and share Christ, just to name a few.

I realize that each of us is called to different levels of involvement.  But no one who names Christ has a free pass.  We’re tempted as believers to board ourselves up in our little church cocoons all in name of “being faithful”.  When in reality, its just plain easier to commit so much to church life that we don’t have time to get out of those safe walls.  We’re rejected out there.  People don’t all agree with us and we run the risk of being called crazy or narrow.   But isn’t “out there” where the people are?

So, I know it’s not always safe, but I encourage you. Peak your head out of that cozy comfort zone. Ask God what role He would like you to play.  Get involved in your community.   

For some of us election time is here.  By all means, don’t sit on the sideline.  Do your research.  Pray for elected officials who will honor God and His word.  And don’t forget them when the election is over. It’s harder out there now then it’s ever been. 

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in
 authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life 
in all godliness and honesty.”
II Timothy 2:1&2