Monday, March 16, 2015

Head in the sand?

Howdy Gang~

Question. What do Moses, Joseph, David, Solomon, Esther, Mordecai, Daniel and Nehemiah all have in common? Well, besides the fact that they are all Bible characters and have long since left this mortal coil.  I’ll give you a minute to reflect on their stories and see if you catch the common thread…O.K. times up ~ smiley face…

Every one of these beloved Bible characters played an instrumental role in the governmental process of their day.  Their Godly leadership and influence affected millions of people and impacted the course of history.

These characters inspire and encourage me.  No need to question if God cares about government, and no need to be afraid to participate when political opportunities arise in the life of my family.

It saddens me when I hear believers of Christ say a Christian has no business in politics.  I strongly disagree.  His Word is proof that believers do have a role in government.  We are foolish to bury our heads in the sand and act as if it doesn’t affect us or it’s not a valid spiritual interest.  Government affects much of our lives; how our children are educated, our health care, our safety, how we spend money, how we are allowed to express our beliefs and share Christ, just to name a few.

I realize that each of us is called to different levels of involvement.  But no one who names Christ has a free pass.  We’re tempted as believers to board ourselves up in our little church cocoons all in name of “being faithful”.  When in reality, its just plain easier to commit so much to church life that we don’t have time to get out of those safe walls.  We’re rejected out there.  People don’t all agree with us and we run the risk of being called crazy or narrow.   But isn’t “out there” where the people are?

So, I know it’s not always safe, but I encourage you. Peak your head out of that cozy comfort zone. Ask God what role He would like you to play.  Get involved in your community.   

For some of us election time is here.  By all means, don’t sit on the sideline.  Do your research.  Pray for elected officials who will honor God and His word.  And don’t forget them when the election is over. It’s harder out there now then it’s ever been. 

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in
 authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life 
in all godliness and honesty.”
II Timothy 2:1&2

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