Monday, April 27, 2015


Hi All ~
I’ve got a question for you…
So. What passage of scripture are you memorizing?  Thud.  I hear it in your world. I realize that’s probably not something you wanted to be asked right now.  And how can anyone blame you with all the information blasted into your responsibility tank on a daily basis. And yes, I admit. I wouldn’t be asking you if I didn’t have an answer. 

I totally get the resentment. 

The question feels like a hit below the waist.  (Oh wait. That statement isn’t really applicable to girls, eh?) Ok, how about this one.  That question feels like your friend begging you to go swimsuit shopping after she just finished weightwatchers. And she knows good and well you’re recovering from the birth of your third child. Ahem…regardless of the child’s age.

Take it easy on yourself if you don’t have a passage or verse to fill in the blank. But think about this…

I heard a story of a group of Christians in an unnamed country.  The names are hidden for their protection. Side note: lest you think that’s too far removed from our reality I ask you to think again. These believers had no Bible.  But as they gathered in their secret meeting places each person shared the passages he or she had memorized.  Together they were able to quote nearly the entire Bible!

That story blows me away! I think about it all the time.  Maybe because years ago God laid it on my heart to memorize a huge portion of the book of John…way before I ever heard this story.  I’ve been working at it off and on for years. After I heard the story I couldn’t help but wonder if God had impressed this on me for a similar reason in my future.  

Those of you who know me aren’t surprised because you know I’ve always thought one day I’d end up in a prison camp.  I don’t think you get Bibles there.

But forget the whole prison camp thing.  Hopefully that will never happen. (But if it does won’t you be glad you used these days of freedom to permanently fix God’s word in you soul!) That’s not the only reason to memorize scripture. See God’s pretty smart. He’s warned us ahead of time when He left us this nugget of truth, “Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee.” Psalm 119:11

In case you haven’t, noticed Satan doesn’t play fair.  He doesn’t usually wait till you have a Bible handy to divvy out temptations. Hence, we need it in our hearts.

Please don’t start the whole hyperventilating-breaking-out-in-hives thing because this is just one more obligation to cram onto the bottom of the list. 

Maybe just try this.  Pick one passage (Personally I like passages to give context. And you can do more than you think you can!) like Psalm 139 or Philippians 2 and add one verse as you can.  Quote it to put you to sleep or when you wake in the middle of the night. When you’ve finished one passage start on another.

Focusing on scripture rests your mind from all the distractions. Keeps your mind stayed on Him, which as His word tells us, brings perfect peace!

No, you don’t get a prize in church if you memorize a whole chapter.  But neither do you get your knuckles rapped if you don’t get to verse 3 this week.  What you do get is a mind full of truth. God’s word is truth and truth sets one free. Who doesn’t want to be free? 

Oh and take it from me; it also comes in handy when you’re sitting in the dentist chair.

You can do this! You’ll be glad you did! 

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