Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Almost Missed It!

I Almost Missed It

I Timothy 1:7

Hello Everyone ~

I remember the Friday night well. My mom had come from Jacksonville to visit me in Atlanta. We had planned on going to see a play at the local community theater after dinner, but a busy week had left us exhausted. And did I mention the torrential down pour of rain? We both love plays, but with our heavy eyelids and the H2O quickly and violently descending on the roof, staying home started to sound like the best after dinner entertainment I could think of. Getting ready for the play I had this strange battle going on inside; and an unnecessary battle at that. No one required me to go to this play. No one expected me there. No one would even know if we went. Yet as much as I didn’t want to go, I continued to get ready, almost as if I were moving against my will!

Finally inside the theater, we found our seats, only to endure a somewhat serious and rather boring play. But for me, there’s just something about being in a theater that gets my juices flowing! As slowly as the plot moved, I loved being there. I noticed in the program an advertisement for their upcoming auditions. My mom jumped on it. “Rebecca! Do it. Why not? You’ve got nothing to loose! Just try it!” She was right. I had no life outside of work. Deep inside I ached to give it a try, but I just wasn’t sure.

After days of struggling, I finally identified my hesitation to tryout as nothing other then fear of failure. I knew what the Bible said about fear. “God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.” I knew that if God hadn’t given me the fear then it must have come from… you know who! I concluded that fear did not qualify as a good enough reason not to try. Suddenly this little decision about trying out for a part became about trusting God and taking risks.

Eventually, God won out and I did audition for the play. I can’t begin to express how thankful I am that I went. To my surprise I landed a great role and had the absolute time of my life! But you know what? I almost missed it.

Well… that was then. This is now! (so profound, eh?) God still hasn’t given the spirit of fear. So I ask myself and I ask you - what are you holding out on because you’re afraid? You just may be missing the time of your life!

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Paper plates at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?

Can You Imagine?

I Corinthians 2:9

Hi Everyone ~
Can you in your wildest dreams imagine what Heaven will be like? The closest thing I can envision is something like, say…Disney World. Even as a little girl I remember being awestruck by the park’s irresistible beauty and charm. Every shrub sculptured to perfection; every nook and cranny blooming with lush exotic flowers. The enchanting glow of Cinderella’s castle lured me to wonder what it could possibly be like to live there. (Yes, I thought someone really lived there. But my husband set me straight on that the other day…just kidding, but I did think someone lived there) And the most amazing thing, with all those people, not a scrap of garbage anywhere! If man can achieve something so magnificent, how spectacular Heaven must be!

Or wait a minute...perhaps God doesn’t really get into all that. After all, He doesn’t need to impress any one does He? Heaven is not looking for an enticing marketing venture like Disney World. Good grief, it’s not like people are going to leave if they don’t like it. So why go through all the trouble? People should just be happy to be there. What kind of person would expect anything more?

I imagine He’ll probably just use paper plates at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. It would be a much quicker clean up. Certainly He will choose plastic table clothes. They’re much cheaper, you know, and not near as much fuss as the real thing. Or better yet, why even have any thing at all? What would He be trying to prove anyway? As I recall, it’s the soul of man that is the important issue. I know what the Bible says about mansions and streets of gold and all, but really, what’s the point? Surely God has more important things to do than to create a delightful place for me to dwell, right?
Wrong! Evidently God thinks it’s quite important. Heaven will be, without a doubt, the most enchanting, breath-taking place any human eye has ever imagined! Does anyone picture Heaven as a humdrum, only-the-bare-necessities-of-life décor? Doubt it. Why? Is it because God wants to show us how talented and creative He is? Hmmm...don’t think so. Is He wanting to prove that Heaven is much better than Hell? Hardly. Perhaps He just wants to be sure to remove all doubt of who is really the best designer around. OR could it be that our God so delights in us, so loves and values us that He would create an atmosphere more elaborate than our wildest dreams for our sheer joy and pleasure; a place filled with sensory surprises and delights around every corner? that sounds more like it! Yes, I believe that represents the God I know.
Some day it’s all going to make sense. Some day it will be worth it all. In one of CS Lewis’ allegory novels, a certain character reaches what is representative of Heaven and says, “Oh! If I had only known this was where I was coming, I would have lived differently down there!”
I don’t want to say that when I get there, do you?...I Corinthians 2:9 – read it and be blessed!
Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pull Up a Chair

Is Anybody Out There?

Isaiah 40:31, Psalm 27:14, Psalm90:17

Hi Ya Gang!

I ask if anyone is out there because I feel so out of it! Is it just me or does anyone else feel that way?! I can’t quite grasp what it is I’m to be doing. I guess it’s just like that sometimes…ya know… that limbo feeling. You know decisions and goals need to be made, but you don’t have all the info yet or the timing isn’t right etc…But you know that in time the way will become more clear and doors will begin to open and close, headaches will leave, sicknesses heals, fogs lift and answers come. “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint…Wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart. Wait I say on the Lord…And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.” Is 40:31, Ps 27:14, Ps 90:17

If you find yourself saying, “Hey me too! That’s how I feel about things right now!” Just pull up a chair next to me, cuz (don't panic at my terrible grammar here. Sometimes it just fits the mood better, ya know?!)) I ain’t got no where to go right now… I’m just waiting for my instructions. As I see it, there’s no use fretting about it because God knows what He’s doing. While we’re sitting here, enjoy the beauty of the moment with me. Let’s not be guilty of looking so far into the future that we miss the people God has placed around us today! We are after all, in His grip.

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oopsie Daisy

Oopsie Daisy

Jeremiah 29:11

Hey Everyone!
The other day I decided to take Herschel with me to run a few errands. We had been a little cooped up and he LOVES to ride in the car! If you know anything about me, you know by now that Herschel is our chocolate lab. I have had a love/hate relationship with this crazy dog...but not any more. I truly adore the thing. He’s my little (actually huge) buddy. I wouldn’t ever do anything to purposely hurt him...even when he’s bad. In fact, I try to find things I think he’ll enjoy just to please him...hence the car ride.
He was a perfect angel sitting (crammed) in the back seat of my little convertible. We finished our errands and were almost home. I was just a-praising him like a fool, “Oh are such a good boy”...We pulled into our driveway and all of the sudden he started yelping and screaming like a little girl... It shocked the stew out of me. Then it hit me... I sheepishly scrunched my shoulders and put my hand to my bit lip...Oopsie Daisy...
I forgot to take off his electric collar and we drove right over the electric fence! I felt so horrible!!! I was apologizing profusely, “Oh Herschel, I am so sorry! OH Herschel, you poor thing! OH... I’m so sorry.” The look of confusion and betrayal on his face was heartbreaking. I knew what he was thinking, “But I trusted you...why did you do that? What did I do wrong? I thought we were buddies.” Whether Herschel thought that or not, I certainly would have understood if he had. I blew it. I messed up! Even though I had no desire to hurt him, I did.
Ever said those words to God? But I trusted you...why did You do that? What did I do wrong? I thought we were buddies! Boy I have. Sometimes we just don’t understand what God is doing. We wonder if God turned His head or just forgot about us. Or worse yet, sees what we’re facing and sits by unaffected. All of those thoughts are lies from the pit! One thing I know is that God loves you far more than I love my silly dog! I wouldn’t even do that to my dog. He’s certainly not going to do that to you. In fact He cannot!

I found a new reason to praise Him that day. I told Him, God thank you that You never have to say “Oopsie Daisy...I forgot” or “I didn’t think about that!” Thank you God that Your ways are always done in love for me, in my best interest...every time.

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love