Sunday, March 20, 2011

Paper plates at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?

Can You Imagine?

I Corinthians 2:9

Hi Everyone ~
Can you in your wildest dreams imagine what Heaven will be like? The closest thing I can envision is something like, say…Disney World. Even as a little girl I remember being awestruck by the park’s irresistible beauty and charm. Every shrub sculptured to perfection; every nook and cranny blooming with lush exotic flowers. The enchanting glow of Cinderella’s castle lured me to wonder what it could possibly be like to live there. (Yes, I thought someone really lived there. But my husband set me straight on that the other day…just kidding, but I did think someone lived there) And the most amazing thing, with all those people, not a scrap of garbage anywhere! If man can achieve something so magnificent, how spectacular Heaven must be!

Or wait a minute...perhaps God doesn’t really get into all that. After all, He doesn’t need to impress any one does He? Heaven is not looking for an enticing marketing venture like Disney World. Good grief, it’s not like people are going to leave if they don’t like it. So why go through all the trouble? People should just be happy to be there. What kind of person would expect anything more?

I imagine He’ll probably just use paper plates at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. It would be a much quicker clean up. Certainly He will choose plastic table clothes. They’re much cheaper, you know, and not near as much fuss as the real thing. Or better yet, why even have any thing at all? What would He be trying to prove anyway? As I recall, it’s the soul of man that is the important issue. I know what the Bible says about mansions and streets of gold and all, but really, what’s the point? Surely God has more important things to do than to create a delightful place for me to dwell, right?
Wrong! Evidently God thinks it’s quite important. Heaven will be, without a doubt, the most enchanting, breath-taking place any human eye has ever imagined! Does anyone picture Heaven as a humdrum, only-the-bare-necessities-of-life décor? Doubt it. Why? Is it because God wants to show us how talented and creative He is? Hmmm...don’t think so. Is He wanting to prove that Heaven is much better than Hell? Hardly. Perhaps He just wants to be sure to remove all doubt of who is really the best designer around. OR could it be that our God so delights in us, so loves and values us that He would create an atmosphere more elaborate than our wildest dreams for our sheer joy and pleasure; a place filled with sensory surprises and delights around every corner? that sounds more like it! Yes, I believe that represents the God I know.
Some day it’s all going to make sense. Some day it will be worth it all. In one of CS Lewis’ allegory novels, a certain character reaches what is representative of Heaven and says, “Oh! If I had only known this was where I was coming, I would have lived differently down there!”
I don’t want to say that when I get there, do you?...I Corinthians 2:9 – read it and be blessed!
Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


  1. Great Thoughts, Rebecca. God always gives his best for us.

  2. Thank you Amy! Hope you are doing well :) thought about you the other day - I was talking to someone about our college plays! Good memories!

  3. Excellent Memories. I always look back fondly on those days and the friendships formed during that time. I hope you and your family are doing well also. Blessings.

  4. Hey Amy ~ I didn't know you blog! I really enjoyed reading it. I tried to leave a comment but didn't see where it allowed it
