Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oopsie Daisy

Oopsie Daisy

Jeremiah 29:11

Hey Everyone!
The other day I decided to take Herschel with me to run a few errands. We had been a little cooped up and he LOVES to ride in the car! If you know anything about me, you know by now that Herschel is our chocolate lab. I have had a love/hate relationship with this crazy dog...but not any more. I truly adore the thing. He’s my little (actually huge) buddy. I wouldn’t ever do anything to purposely hurt him...even when he’s bad. In fact, I try to find things I think he’ll enjoy just to please him...hence the car ride.
He was a perfect angel sitting (crammed) in the back seat of my little convertible. We finished our errands and were almost home. I was just a-praising him like a fool, “Oh are such a good boy”...We pulled into our driveway and all of the sudden he started yelping and screaming like a little girl... It shocked the stew out of me. Then it hit me... I sheepishly scrunched my shoulders and put my hand to my bit lip...Oopsie Daisy...
I forgot to take off his electric collar and we drove right over the electric fence! I felt so horrible!!! I was apologizing profusely, “Oh Herschel, I am so sorry! OH Herschel, you poor thing! OH... I’m so sorry.” The look of confusion and betrayal on his face was heartbreaking. I knew what he was thinking, “But I trusted you...why did you do that? What did I do wrong? I thought we were buddies.” Whether Herschel thought that or not, I certainly would have understood if he had. I blew it. I messed up! Even though I had no desire to hurt him, I did.
Ever said those words to God? But I trusted you...why did You do that? What did I do wrong? I thought we were buddies! Boy I have. Sometimes we just don’t understand what God is doing. We wonder if God turned His head or just forgot about us. Or worse yet, sees what we’re facing and sits by unaffected. All of those thoughts are lies from the pit! One thing I know is that God loves you far more than I love my silly dog! I wouldn’t even do that to my dog. He’s certainly not going to do that to you. In fact He cannot!

I found a new reason to praise Him that day. I told Him, God thank you that You never have to say “Oopsie Daisy...I forgot” or “I didn’t think about that!” Thank you God that Your ways are always done in love for me, in my best interest...every time.

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


  1. Poor Buddy! I am sure all that oozing over him was well worth the quick shocker!

    We are in JAX for a whirlwind 36 hours... and I am happy just to know we are in close proximity as I know we wont get to see each other! Perhaps in a few weeks I can beg my hubby to stop here again... with some advanced warning! Blessings to you my friend!

  2. Hi Janice! so sorry I missed you :) Yes, you must beg next time! Look forward to catching up with you...blessings to you my friend :)

  3. This one is right-on, Rebecca! It reminds me of the hurtful WORDS women say to/about one another, often with no wrong intentions. We just get distracted sometimes with our "to-do's" and forget others are affected by our distractedness. I need to pay closer attention!Thanks for reminding me to ask God for daily wisdom, and the focus that He always includes as a bonus!!
