Sunday, May 15, 2011


Matthew 10:39; II Corinthians 2:14 & 15

Good Morning ~

I love candles. When I’m finally in for the night, the supper dishes done, pajamas on, one of my simple pleasures in life is to go around the house and light the candles. I especially love the ones that smell good. In fact, right now I have a candle burning on my desk with it’s gentle fragrance swirling around me.. It just feels cozy and safe.

One weekend we had been gone for a few days and came home to find the house filled with an incredible aroma. In fact, it smelled just like my favorite pink cake candle. The scent waffled all about my being, engulfing me with its lusciousness…until Ronnie calls out, “Rebecca! Did you leave this candle burning all weekend?” He was standing next to where my favorite pink candle used to be; now, a slushy puddle of soft wax…oopsie daisy.

I thought about this little incident after hearing the definition of the word “savor” in II Corinthians 2: 14 & 15. The definition says it means an influence that cannot be ignored. There was no disregarding or ignoring the overwhelming perfume in my house that day! Yes, my candle burned up, but what a lovely influence it left behind.

Sometimes when we are “lit” for God we experience loss – loss of time to do things we want to do, loss of sleep, loss of income. All of those things add bags under our eyes and burden and stress to our lives! But when you do it for God, as a gift to God, it is a sweet savor to Christ; one that cannot be ignored. “…he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” Matthew10:39.

So strike a match and glow!

Hope & Glory! to You ~ Love


Please don’t take this little article to believe you shouldn’t take care of yourself or you need to volunteer for everything everyone asks of you! Just use your gifting and open doors as GOD calls you... OK – just had to clarify!

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